War Diaries (October 20) (nonfiction)

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War Diary quotations for October 20.

Previous: October 19 - Next: October 21


Creed T. Davis: October 20, 1864

Diary of Creed T. Davis, Private Second Company Richmond Howitzers.

As expected, an engagement took place yesterday near Strasburg. Our battery was engaged, and was the last to leave the field. We did not move until our infantry had swept past us, leaving us no support whatever. We continued to fire at the enemy until they were within two hundred yards of us, when we were ordered by Lieutenant Henry Jones to limber up and retreat up the pike. As the road ahead of us was blocked up by a wagon train, most of our pieces fell into the hands of the enemy, who already had possession of the pike. Lieutenant Jones then ordered the men to save themselves as best they could. Loss of the company in killed and wounded not now known.

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