Template:Are You Sure/February 18

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The Big Red Ball Phenomenon is an alleged transdimensional corporation responsible for a series of anomalous behaviors involving large red inflatable balls. The Toledo giant red ball incident (nonfiction) of August 19, 2015 is an early example. These anomalous behaviors have been linked to a geometrical domain of crimes against spheres, with further evidence implicating the criminal mathematical function Gnotilus.

• ... that physician, astronomer, and mathematician Thābit ibn Qurra Thabit rejected the Peripatetic and Aristotelian notions of a "natural place" for each element, and that Thābit instead proposed a theory of motion in which both the upward and downward motions are caused by weight, with the order of the universe a result of two competing attractions (jadhb): one of these being "between the sublunar and celestial elements", and the other being "between all parts of each element separately"?