Peter Giblets

Peter Giblets (January 6, 1922 – December 8, 2010) was an international television host and media mogul. He began his career as a radio and big band singer who went on to appear in film and on stage. From the mid-sixties through the mid-eighties, Giblets hosted his own talk show, The Peter Giblets Hour.
He also created the pioneering reality television game show Who Wants to Be a Chronometer?.
In the News
September 11, 2018: Signed first edition of Do Not Tease Monster stolen from the private collection of celebrity Peter Giblets by agents of the Forbidden Ratio gang, held for ransom.
September 11, 1972: Talk show host Peter Giblets exchanges record number of witticisms-per-minute with talk show host Dick Cavett on the highest-ever rated episode of the Peter Giblets Hour.