Minneapolis riots umbrella man (nonfiction)
An anonymous "umbrella man" smashed windows during the riots following the death of George Floyd.
Umbrella Man is a masked operative of unknown identity and motive who carefully committed a planned act of property damage during a riot. He wear a full-face gas mask, and carries a black umbrella which he uses to conceal his face.
A video of the AutoZone windows attack shows the event clearly. Umbrella Man breaks a series of windows in a crisp, efficient attack. There are shouts of "Are you a cop?" Umbrella man then swiftly leaves.
Umbrella Man works with an accomplice ("Pizza Dude", "Pink Shirt Dude"). In the attack video, Pizza Dude appears to confront Umbrella Man. But in another video, Umbrella Man and Pizza Dude walk side-by-side, looking very much like a team, a pair.
To_Do: transcripts, commentary
- AutoZone window attack @ YouTube
- Umbrella Man and Pizza Guy walking like accomplices @ YouTube
Social media:
- Karl Jones Facebook post
- Camille Gage Facebook post
More links - TO_DO: review, annotate:
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/pLKVELDofyDj/
- https://heavy.com/news/2020/05/pink-shirt-speaks-out-umbrella-man-minneapolis/
- https://twitter.com/mattdelong/status/1270053325707378689 - Jan. 8, SPPD says video places Pederson elsewhere
Whoever umbrella man is, he is a methodical operator, swift yet unhurried, smartly breaking a series of windows.
He wears a full-face gas mask and is careful to use an umbrella to shield his face.
Umbrella man then makes a swift smooth exit.
Umbrella man is athletic, he works out, his motion shows strength and confidence, he moves like a dancer, like close-quarters combat training.
This is not some child playing at violence, not some citizen overcome by riot fever. This is a planned act by a skilled operator.
The Tweet alleges that umbrella man is a Saint Paul Police officer. Saint Paul Police issued a statement denying the allegation.
Motives? We can only speculate, but provocateur seems the obvious motive.
What else could it be: a grudge against that particular property, some private vengeance? I think not.
This is a planned militant act by one or more agents for purposes disruption, discrediting, distraction, etc.
We have no evidence who these people are (I'm reasonably sure there will be several agents, a team).
But we do know what they are: disciplined agents of social chaos.