Indiana Jones Versus the Oil Pirates of the Caribbean
Indiana Jones Versus the Oil Pirates of the Caribbean is an action-adventure petroleum geology film in the Indiana Jones franchise.
Harrison Ford returns to the title role, while Dennis Hopper plays a charismatic antihero determined to stop the so-called "Peak Jones" effect, when the world has more Indiana Jones films than it can sustain.
"The way the Indiana Jones films are going, global warming and oil depletion are going to make Waterworld look like tears in rain, lost in time. Time to cry."
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In the News
Dances with Whales is an epic Western post-apocalyptic action film starring Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper, and Graham Greene.
Waterworld 2: The Way of Franchise is a 2023 science fiction adventure film about an actor (Kevin Costner) and a film director (James Cameron) who attempt to redeem themselves at sea.
Raiders of the Lost Arquebus is an American historical adventure film about the development of firearms in Europe.
Peak Batman is the moment at which economically viable production of Batman intellectual property starts to decrease. It is related to the distinct concept of Batman depletion; while global intellect reserves are finite, the limiting factor is not whether the intellect exists but whether it will pay for Batman films, action figures, etc. at a given price.
Greysmoke: The Legend of Tarsand, Lord of the Oils is a 2004 revisionist petroleum engineering film based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' novel Tarzan of the Apes (1912).
The Undersea World of Spock Cousteau is a 2021 drama film about a scientist (Leonard Nimoy) who suffers a time-travel brain injury which causes others to believe that he is Jacques Cousteau. Co-starring marine biologist Steven Zissou as "Cuddle Squid".
Deacon Billy is a proposed film in which actor Dennis Hopper will play Deacon Billy, a Merchant Marine captain who trades his ship and crew for the last motorcycle on Earth.
Voyage to the Eternal Sunshine of the Bottomless Sea is a 2004 romantic science fiction thriller film which uses elements of submarine warfare, claustrophobic tension, and a nonlinear need-to-know mission which explores the topography and marine life of the ocean floor.
"The way the Sixties are going, the Fifties are going the make the Forties feel like the Thirties!"
Caesar and the Pirates is an action-Empire comic strip created by Julius Caesar, which originally ran from his birth to his death.
"If Asking Hero Then Speak" is an anagram of "Thinking of Shakespeare".
Indiana Jones and the Heat Death of the Universe is a theoretical physics film in the Indiana Jones franchise. Physicist and renowned film critic Lord Kelvin called it "the least watchable of all of the approximately 10.3 billion Indiana Jones films."
Peak One Man is the year when the maximum rate of toleration of the One Man meme is reached, after which it is expected to enter terminal decline. Shown here: high-energy literature experiments at CERN.
Profit-Centers of the Caribbean is a series of lectures on macroeconomic theory produced by The Jerry Bruckheimer Enterprise and based on Walt Disney's balance sheet of the same name.
Indiana Blunt and the Jungle of Weed is a stoner comedy adventure film starring Harrison Ford and Emily Blunt.
Fiction cross-reference
- Caesar and the Pirates
- Dances with Whales
- Deacon Billy
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Greysmoke: The Legend of Tarsand
- High-energy literature
- If Asking Hero Then Speak
- Indiana Blunt and the Jungle of Weed
- Indiana Jones and the Heat Death of the Universe
- Peak Batman
- Peak One Man
- Raiders of the Lost Arquebus
- The Undersea World of Spock Cousteau
- That Warm Smell of Death
- The way the sixties are going
- Voyage to the Eternal Sunshine of the Bottomless Sea
- Waterworld 2: The Way of Franchise
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Indiana Jones @ Wikipedia
- Indiana Jones Supercut @ YouTube
- Indiana Jones Supercut @ YouTube
- Indiana Jones' most iconic scenes @ YouTube
- Indiana Jones bullwhip compilation @ YouTube
- Waterworld @ Wikipedia
- Waterworld - trailer @ YouTube
- How bout a cigarette? Never too young to start! @ YouTube
- She's my friend @ YouTube
- "He's like a turd that won't flush" @ YouTube
- William Preston: Depth Gauge @ IMDB
- WATERWORLD Clips - Best Lines (1995) Kevin Costner @ YouTube
- Dennis Hopper Discusses Working On 'Waterworld' | The Dick Cavett Show @ YouTube
Social media
- Post @ Twitter (10 April 2024)
- Post @ Twitter (19 February 2023)
- Post @ Twitter (7 March 2022)
- Post @ Twitter (2 April 2021)
- Post @ Facebook
- Post @ Twitter
- Films (nonfiction)
- Harrison Ford (nonfiction)
- Indiana Jones (nonfiction)
- George Lucas (nonfiction)
- 1990s (nonfiction)
- 1995 (nonfiction)
- Kevin Costner (nonfiction)
- Dennis Hopper (nonfiction)
- James Newton Howard (nonfiction)
- Michael Jeter (nonfiction)
- Tina Majorino (nonfiction)
- William Preston (nonfiction)
- Kevin Reynolds (nonfiction)
- Science fiction (nonfiction)
- Jeanne Tripplehorn (nonfiction)
- Waterworld (nonfiction)
- Water (nonfiction)
- Oceans (nonfiction)
- Climate change (nonfiction)
- Fiction (nonfiction)
- Films
- Caribbean (nonfiction)
- Petroleum (nonfiction)
- 1980s (nonfiction)
- 1981 (nonfiction)
- Karen Allen (nonfiction)
- Denholm Elliott (nonfiction)
- Paul Freeman (nonfiction)
- Lawrence Kasdan (nonfiction)
- Philip Kaufman (nonfiction)
- Ronald Lacey (nonfiction)
- Frank Marshall (nonfiction)
- John Rhys-Davies (nonfiction)
- Steven Spielberg (nonfiction)
- John Williams (nonfiction)