Better Than News
February 16, 2025
Battle for the Planet of the Na'vi is a science fiction film directed by J. Lee Thompson and James Cameron, starring Roddy McDowell, Claude Akins, and Sigourney Weaver.
For a Few Bitcoins More is a 1965 Spaghetti NFT Western film about a cryptocurrency bounty hunter (Lee Van Cleef) and a hunchbacked software developer (Klaus Kinski) who must work together to rob the Bitcoin Exchange of El Paso, which has a disguised wallet containing "almost a million Bitcoins."
The Karaoke of Silence is a 1965 American spy thriller film about two government employees (Don Adams and Edward Platt) who must stop the Karaoke craze before it begins.
Revolt of the Pencil Pushers is a science fiction fiction thriller film about clerical robots who rebel against their managers.
"Better Than News" is sponsored by Gnomon Chronicles Industries.