Anagram Festival
The Anagram Festival is a celebration of AnagramAnagrams.
"All Notions Transit" is an anagram of "Lost in Translation".
"Denote an Olympian" is an anagram of "Napoleon Dynamite".
"Tell Liberty So Wild" is an anagram of "Little Yellow Birds".
"Wanton Ethic, Enemies Pout" is an anagram of Once Upon a Time in the West.
"Sly Fearsome Aura" is an anagram of "Eyes of Laura Mars".
"Ray Pontoons" is an anagram of "Tony Soprano".
"Silken Twirl" is an anagram of "Winter Kills".
"Demagogue Has Torments" is an anagram of "The Most Dangerous Game".
"Waken Spit" is an anagram of "Twin Peaks".
"Wet Toilets Huh?" is an anagram of "The White Lotus".
"Raw Poet Mirth" is an anagram of "Matthew Prior".
"Heal, O Calm Pilgrim!" is an anagram of Marcello Malpighi.
Fiction cross-reference
- All Notions Transit
- Demagogue Has Torments
- Festivals
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Heal, O Calm Pilgrim!
- Raw Poet Mirth
- Ray Pontoons
- Silken Twirl
- Sly Fearsome Aura
- Tell Liberty So Wild
- Waken Spit
- Wanton Ethic, Enemies Pout
- Wet Toilets Huh?
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Anagram @ Wikipedia
Social media
- Post @ Twitter (16 August 2023) • All Notions Transit • Denote an Olympian • Demagogue Has Torments • Tell Liberty So Wild