Scannery Row
Scannery Row is a science fiction horror-romance film directed by David Cronenberg and starring Nick Nolte and Debra Winger.
There are 4 billion people on earth. 237 are Scanners. They have the most terrifying powers ever created— and two of them have fallen in love.
In the News
Cronenburger is a Canadian-American extreme body modification restaurant chain inspired by David Cronenberg's 1981 film Scanners.
Of Mice and Penguins is a 1939 American superhero film about two men, George (Burgess Meredith) and his mentally-challenged partner Lennie (Lon Chaney Jr.), trying to survive during the dustbowl of the 1930s and pursuing a dream of running their own crime gang instead of always working for the Joker.
Yeast of Eden is a 1955 American period drama film about a wayward young baker (James Dean) who, while seeking his own identity, vies for the yeast of his deeply religious father against his favored brother, thus retelling the story of Cain and Abel.
Fiction cross-reference
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Cannery Row (film) @ Wikipedia
- Cannery Row trailer @ YouTube
- Scanners @ Wikipedia
- Scanners- trailer @ YouTube
- Scanners (1981) Exploding Head Scene @ YouTube
- Exploding head @ YouTube
- Scanners, Cronenberg (1981) : scène de l'affrontement final @ YouTube
Social media
- 1980s (nonfiction)
- 1982 (nonfiction)
- Cannery Row (nonfiction)
- Films (nonfiction)
- Nick Nolte (nonfiction)
- John Steinbeck (nonfiction)
- David S. Ward (nonfiction)
- Debra Winger (nonfiction)
- 1981 (nonfiction)
- David Cronenberg (nonfiction)
- Lawrence Dane (nonfiction)
- Claude Héroux (nonfiction)
- Horror (nonfiction)
- Michael Ironside (nonfiction)
- Stephen Lack (nonfiction)
- Patrick McGoohan (nonfiction)
- Jennifer O'Neill (nonfiction)
- Scanners (nonfiction)
- Science fiction (nonfiction)
- Howard Shore (nonfiction)
- Fiction (nonfiction)
- Films
- 1940 (nonfiction)
- 1945 (nonfiction)
- Books (nonfiction)