Mayo Nights
Mayo Nights is a 1997 American period comedy-drama film directed by Paul Thomas Anderson about a young nightclub dishwasher (Mark Wahlberg) who becomes a popular star of foodie films after he is discovered by a notorious director (Burt Reynolds).
Everyone has one special condiment.
- #MayonnaiseFilmSociety
- Post @ Twitter
In the News
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Product Teams* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) is a 1972 American corporate policy sex comedy film directed by Woody Allen.
Fox News Mayonnaise is an intellectual condiment from Fox News.
Enemy of the Mayo is a 1998 American condiment thriller film starring Will Smith, Gene Hackman, and Gordon Ramsay.
Boogie Jedi Knights is a 1997 American science fiction drama film starring Mark Wahlberg, Julianne Moore, Burt Reynolds, and Sir Alec Guinness.
Manwich is a police procedural nutritional guidelines television series starring Burt Reynolds as health inspector Dan Manwich.
Fiction cross-reference
- Boogie Jedi Knights
- Enemy of the Mayo
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Product Teams* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)
- Fox News Mayonnaise
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Manwich
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Boogie Nights @ Wikipedia
- Boogie Nights @ Wikiquotes
- Boogie Nights trailer @ YouTube
- Opening Steadicam scene @ YouTube
- Porn job interview scene @ YouTube
- Everyone's blessed with one special thing @ YouTube
- Porn film job interview - This is a giant cock @ YouTube
- Dirk gets jealous of Johnny Doe and fights with Jack @ YouTube
- My Awesome Mix Tape @ YouTube
- Boogie fight - shocking violence @ YouTube
- Mayonnaise @ Wikipedia
- How to Make Mayonnaise | Gordon Ramsay @ YouTube
- The Origin, Spread of, and How to Make Mayonnaise! @ YouTube
- Boogie Nights @ Wikipedia
- Mayonnaise @ Wikipedia
Social media
- 1990s (nonfiction)
- 1997 (nonfiction)
- Paul Thomas Anderson (nonfiction)
- Boogie Nights (nonfiction)
- Don Cheadle (nonfiction)
- Films (nonfiction)
- Heather Graham (nonfiction)
- Philip Seymour Hoffman (nonfiction)
- William H. Macy (nonfiction)
- Julianne Moore (nonfiction)
- Nicole Parker (nonfiction)
- Michael Penn (nonfiction)
- John C. Reilly (nonfiction)
- Burt Reynolds (nonfiction)
- Mark Wahlberg (nonfiction)
- Fiction (nonfiction)
- Films
- Condiments (nonfiction)
- Food (nonfiction)
- Mayonnaise (nonfiction)