Sea-Hulk is a 2022 American animated television series about a young marine biologist (SpongeBob SquarePants) who — due to the bite of a radioactive moray eel — transforms into Sea-Hulk when he becomes sexually aroused.
In the News
Marta and She-Hulk is a 2023 science fiction legal drama superhero television series starring Yvonne Craig and Tatiana Maslany.
Ferris Bueller 2049 is a 2022 science fiction comedy thriller film about a high school Nexus-9 replicant "grade skipper" (Matthew Broderick) who skips school, with two of his friends, for a day hunting less advanced replicants, and who regularly breaks the fourth wall to describe the paradoxical and incomprehensible consequences of genetic engineering.
Galactus and David Attenborough's Planet Earth is a 2022 British television series narrated by Galactus, the devourer of worlds, and Sir Richard Attenborough. The series has eleven episodes, each of which features a global overview of a different biome or habitat on Earth, with Galactus arguing that the biome is nutritious and should be consumed immediately, and Attenborough arguing for preservation of the Earth's precious and fragile ecosystem.
War of the Worlds 2: Revenge of the Drive-In Theaters is a 2022 science fiction thriller fiction about an alien species which disguises itself as drive-in movie theaters.
Fiction cross-reference
- Ferris Bueller 2049
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Galactus and David Attenborough's Planet Earth
- Marta and She-Hulk
- SpongeBob Fyrkantiga Byxor
- War of the Worlds 2: Revenge of the Drive-In Theaters
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
Social media
- Post @ Twitter (6 September 2022)