The Aladdin King
The Aladdin King is an American animated musical drama film about Simba (Swahili for lion), a young lion who is to succeed his father, Mufasa, as King. However, Simba's paternal uncle Scar uses a magical lamp which grants wishes to send Simba into exile.
In the News
Cocaine Deer is a 2023 animated horror drama animal adventure film about a young deer who goes on a cocaine-fueled rampage.
The World According to Gort is a 1982 American science fiction comedy-drama about an eccentric writer (Robin Williams) who befriends an alien robot.
Smilodon is a 2018 American nature thriller film about a paleontologist (Tom Cruise) who must stop saber-tooth tigers from evolving teeth so large that they cannot close their mouths.
The Token King is a 1994 American animated musical drama film about Simba (Swahili for lion), a young lion who is to succeed his father, Mufasa, as King of the Non-Fungible Lands; however, after Simba's paternal uncle Scar murders Mufasa to seize the NFT passwords, Simba is manipulated into thinking he was responsible and flees into exile.
Fiction cross-reference
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Post @ Twitter (29 September 2022)