Political violence is likely to happen

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"Political violence is likely to happen" is a short essay by Karl Jones.

Political violence is likely to happen

Shine a not-so-different light on this, and you get my view—

"Political violence is likely to happen."

To my thinking, this is my liberal-intellectual cognate of the "4 in 10 Republicans Say Political Violence May Be Necessary."

Strip out "necessary", which implies human decision in the face of determinism, and replace it with simple determinism:

Political violence is likely to happen.

We are mathematicians, you and I, so I remind not you but others that the phrase "4 in 10 Republicans Say Political Violence May Be Necessary" is better understood as "Pollsters asked questions of some Republicans and interpreted it as '4 in 10 Republicans...""

Statistical analysis is not necessarily *wrong* — but it is necessarily *propaganda*.

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