Gnomon Chronicles Wiki:About (nonfiction)

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Fiction is an ongoing work of fiction and nonfiction by Karl Jones.


Nonfiction is rigorously indicated where applicable; everything else is fair game for misrepresentation.

Pages whose title ends in (nonfiction) begin with nonfictional text and images, in the manner of Wikipedia, albeit with my selection bias.

Below the nonfiction content, most nonfiction pages also have fictional content -- "In the News" mixes fiction and nonfiction, while "Fiction cross-reference" is self-explanatory.

Pages whose titles do not end in nonfiction are fiction pages. Here, anything goes -- fictional text, fictional images, real images with fictional descriptions, links with fictional text leading to nonfiction pages, and so on.

Fiction and non-fiction pages alike usually have "Nonfiction cross-reference" section which is entirely factual and reliable.

Note the page category convention: page categories whose titles end in (nonfiction) list nonfictional pages, other page categories list fiction pages.

Nonfiction cross-reference