September 15
Better Than News
Annie Got Her Gun is an anti-war Western comedy novel by American novelist Dalton Trumbo about sharpshooter Annie Oakley.
Willy Wonka and the She-Hulk Factory is an American musical superhero legal drama television series about an eccentric billionaire (Gene Wilder) who plays sadistic games with mutant children.
Orgone Boxes in Peak Sasquatch Territory is a short documentary film about efforts to use Wilhelm Reich's cloud busters to establish treaty relations with sasquatch.
Pumpkin-Spice Xanax is a seasonally available flavor of the tranquilizer Xanax.
Are You Sure
... that The Man Who Replaced His Ears With Orchids was [REDACTED]'s first big-budget floral-medical industry training film?
On This Day in Fiction and Nonfiction
1736: Astronomer, mathematician, and politician Jean Sylvain Bailly born. His work as an astronomer lead to his recognition and admiration by the European scientific community.
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel
1859: Mechanical and civil engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel dies. Brunel is considered "one of the most ingenious and prolific figures in engineering history".
1945: Physicist Harry Daghlian dies. He was fatally irradiated in a criticality accident during an experiment with the Demon core at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
2017: Mathematician and academic Hans F. Weinberger dies. He contributed to variational methods for eigenvalue problems, partial differential equations, and fluid dynamics.
Topic of the Day
The Man Who Replaced His Ears With Orchids is a 1975 floral industry training film about a brilliant but unhappy surgeon whose obsession with orchids leads to frightening advances in medical botany.
Show the court where the Invisible Hand of the Marketplace touched your tulip.
"You Don't Tweet Me Flowers" is a song written by Neil Diamond 1.1 for the ill-fated reality TV drama All That Twitters.
"Hydrangea" is a song by the English rock band and florists the Rolling Stones.