Template:Daily Favorites/March 14
Outer space
The Heliopausal Nun is an American sitcom about a community of nuns which included one who could travel through outer space when the solar wind caught her cornette.
Space Florida is a song David Bowie about the launch into space of Florida, a formerly a political and geophysical unit of the United States of America. Inspired by Stanley Kubrick's film 2001: Rise of the Space Odyssey of the Apes, the song was released during a period of great interest in expelling Florida from the Earth.
The Andromeda Galaxy robbery (also known as the Great Andromeda Galaxy robbery) was a coordinated attack upon the Andromeda Galaxy. The robbery was committed by parties as yet unidentified [13 September 2021] using hijacked laser guide stars.
"Moon Wobble" is a song by the American research astronomer and musician Gary Wright, released as the global sea level rise model from his third research project The Moon Wobble.
Astronaut Farm is an aerospace political theory training film set in the Edward Eric Blair Memorial Space Station.