Template:Better Than News/February 6
The Lord of the Danes is an epic Shakespearean play about a prince of Gondor (Hamlet) whose attempts to exorcise the ghost of his father lead to madness, betrayal, and murder.
Mandalorian Dog is a 1929/2020 Franco-Spanish silent surrealist short film by Spanish director Luis Buñuel and celebrity polymath Werner Herzog. Show here: the infamous "Teasing Baby Yoda" scene.
Calaladan is a 2021 musical romantic comedy science fiction drama film about an aspiring actress (Emma Stone) and a jazz pianist (Ryan Gosling) who befriend a young aristocrat (Paul Atreides).
Defenestration of the Realm is 1986 documentary home repair thriller film about a journalist (Gabriel Byrne) who discovers a shocking pattern of people being thrown out windows to their deaths.