Alice Beta

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Alice Beta.

Alice Beta (December 31, 1900 - January 1, 2010) is a mathematician, engineer, and alleged time-traveller.

She is widely acknowledged for her contributions to artificial intelligence, publishing a series of Gnomon algorithm functions useful for detecting and preventing crimes against mathematical constants.

She and actor-cryptographer Niles Cartouchian are married, or have long-term relationships, in several overlapping timelines. Their romance is documented in the well-known illustration Alice Beta and Niles Cartouchian Play Chess.

Their daughter Janet Beta is a mathematician. Janet worked on the ENIAC ("Empty Noise Into Alien Communication") program.

Alice Beta was among the first to publicly question the ENIAC program's goals and methods, leading to trouble with the House Un-American Activities Committee.

Beta and engineer Henrietta Bolt have collaborated on several artificial intelligence projects, including .

Baron Zersetzung has repeatedly alleged that Alice Beta is the secret identity of The Governess in an earlier timeline.

Cross-timeline communication

Statements from multiple sources suggest that Beta is in communication with versions of herself in other timelines. Assertions include:

It is generally agreed that Beta communicates with other timelines where she is exactly the same, but where something significant has happened in those timelines which makes them different from all of the other timelines where she is constant.

In our timeline, Beta's husband Niles Cartouchian is missing and presumed dead or held captive in a transdimensional prison. In all of the other Beta-constant timelines, Beta and Cartouchian have a long and happy marriage.

Other Beta-timelines are characterized by:

  • The Trinity project sets fire to North America.
  • The Hindenberg does not explode; a woman (disguised as a man) gives birth during that time.
  • The Tunguska event becomes a global religious shrine.
  • Nikola Tesla is a crime fighter.
  • Galileo Galilei is a crime fighter.

See The Many Worlds of Alice Beta.

Beta herself has never directly answered questions on the topic, although she has stated that "everyone knows multiple timelines are real, and that cross-timeline communication is a fundamental product of Gnomon algorithm research. Well not everyone -- some people still believe in demons."

Forensic allography

Beta published numerous papers on forensic allography over the course of her career.

In the News

Fiction cross-reference


Nonfiction cross-reference

External links