Tiresian blue
Tiresian blue is a hue of the color blue which is visible only during prophecy and fortune-telling events.
One cannot normally perceive Tiresian blue, because it is only perceivable while genuine prophecy or fortune-telling is actually in progress.
Compare Numen and Cryptographic numen.
Context: "Whuuuuuut?"
Yes. That is what I said at first.
Since then I have imagined other impossible colors. It takes a little getting used to, but it can be done.
Once you have a theory of impossible colors, theories about real colors become much easier.
In the News
2017: Signed first edition of Blue Foliage 2 stolen from the Walker Art Museum in New Minneapolis, Canada.
"Tyler Tork Blue" (also known as hexadecimal color code #0b9493) is a color in the teal blue range claimed by Tyler Tork on the morning of 1 June 2021.
2017: Steganographic analysis of the famous Pale Blue Dot photograph unexpectedly reveals "nearly a petabyte" of encrypted data relating to Gnomon algorithm functions.
Fiction cross-reference
- Cryptographic numen - some cryptographic numen have been reported to glow Tiresian blue; this may be a blue version of Gray light
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Scrying engine - commonly use Tiresian blue to indicate stochastic confidence
- Tyler Tork Blue
Nonfiction cross-reference
- 4578a1 (nonfiction)
- Blue (nonfiction)
- Blue Foliage 2 (nonfiction)
- Color (nonfiction)
- Numen (nonfiction)