Template:Are You Sure/February 20

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Image: Fantasy Voronoi Diagram (FVD) color commentators.

Emerging from a transdimensional mutation in the Fantasy American Football (FAF) noösphere, Fantasy Voronoi Diagram grew rapidly and now [20 Feb 2021] rivals FAF in popularity and signal strength.

• ... that the Soviet Union's Mir spacecraft orbited the Earth for 15 years, and was occupied for ten of those years?

• ... that physicist and academic Laura Bassi championed Newton's ideas of physics and natural philosophy in Italy?

• ... that physicist and academic Maria Goeppert-Mayer developed a mathematical model for the structure of nuclear shells, for which she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963, which she shared with [[J. Hans D. Jensen (nonfiction)|J. Hans D. Jensen[[ and Eugene Wigner?