Diary (January 16, 2021)

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Online diary of Karl Jones for Saturday January 16, 2021.

Previous: Diary (January 15, 2021) - Next: Diary (January 17, 2021)




Fascism’s central idea, appearing in a small repertoire of familiar guises, is that there are classes of human beings who deserve diminishment and destruction because they’re for some reason (genetic, cultural, whatever) inherently inferior to “us.” Every fucking fascist, Bannon included, strives to enact that idea, even if he (and it is usually a he—fascism is a masculine ideology, and therefore inherently misogynist) bittercoats it in a discourse of victimization and national self-defense. You know: they are contaminating our nation/race; they are destroying our culture; we must do something about them or perish. At the end of such an ideological trajectory is always genocide, as it was the case in Bosnia.

Hair-splitting pettifoggery

I used to share your love of hair-splitting pettifoggery; but now it displeases me.

Voltaire Two Point Oh

Control yourself

A man should sooner insult his friend than a stranger.

Pluck me out

If I offend Thee, pluck me out, oh Lord.

If I Offend Thee

Fran Lebowitz

"Metropolitan Life" ← !

Her prevailing mode is High Sardonic Low Brow-Beating.

But this quote is pure love:

"I think humor is warmer, and wit is colder. Wit is judgment, whereas humor invites some sort of response."

(Not sure that quote is from Metropolitan Life. Mostly I remember the High Sardonic Low Brow-Beating material.)

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