Diary (November 14, 2020)
Online diary of Karl Jones for Saturday November 14, 2020.
Previous: Diary (November 13, 2020) - Next: Diary (November 15, 2020)
One Toke Over the Thin Blue Line
White supremacists are dancing their Ghost Dance.
When an entire culture suffers drastic decline, people turn to increasingly irrational and desperate rituals.
Pink Trombone and Taffy Bomb
"Pink Trombone and Taffy Bomb" is a short poem by Karl Jones.
If you play our mating call on the Pink Trombone, I will expose my Taffy Bomb.
Niles Cartouchian, Combat Mathematician
APTO Combat mathematician on assignment to Euclidean space.
The Algorithmic Protocol Treaty Organization prevents "two plus two from equaling five" by destroying all time machines before they can be activated.
Welcome to the Squadron
What Flavor is My Infinity?
If Inchoate Antics Hooted Helpful Counterfeit Ashes
If Inchoate Antics Hooted Helpful Counterfeit Ashes (nonfiction)