Diary (September 17, 2020)

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Online diary of Karl Jones for Thursday September 17, 2020.

Previous: Diary (September 16, 2020) - Next: Diary (September 18, 2020)


Chaos of Trump

Chaos and more chaos — anything can mean anything or nothing, to anyone, at any time, and it can all change in a moment.

It's not even necessary to lie. Saying "Yes Means Yes" today and "Yes Means No" tomorrow does far more harm than saying either one and sticking to it.

Democracy cannot organize an opposition under these conditions.

Trump is perfect for the job, because he is deranged and cannot form coherent thoughts. This is the problem.

The word "lie" is losing all meaning with Donald Trump, in my mind.

He is mentally ill — his ability to self-monitor, to think and speak clearly, has gone from limited to badly damaged.

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