Diary (June 27, 2020)
Online diary of Karl Jones for Saturday June 27, 2020.
Previous: Diary (June 26, 2020) - Next: Diary (June 28, 2020)
Star Tribune, spineless defender of the old guard
"Despite" a wave of violence ....
The Star Tribune's title implies that a wave of violence could or should shut down a quote defund police unquote effort.
For shame, Star Tribune. For shame. You are defending the old guard with this spineless writing.
Batman Variations
The Batman Variations (crime fighting)
Compare Enigma Variations - an orchestral work by Edward Elgar comprising fourteen variations on an original theme.
Swift and Pope
The Gastronomy of Revulsion
I'm Glad You'll Ask That =
Vape upgrade for Extract of Radium
Vape upgrade now available for Extract of Radium.
Users can now easily switch between Soft Drink mode and Vape mode using a nanoscopic phase resolver.
TO_DO: generate rumors that users are repurposing used phase resolvers as improvised scrying engines.
In the News
Fiction cross-reference
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- I'm Glad You'll Ask That - podcast by Karl Jones which answers questions from the future
- Phase resolver - any of various algorithms which resolve conflicting phase states in matter.
- Scrying engine