War Diaries (February 26) (nonfiction)

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War Diary entries for February 26.

Previous: February 25 - Next: February 27


Anonymous: February 26, 1863

Dear Father,

Perhaps you may think strange I have never writen you before. But I write Henry and Laura so I know you will hear from me oftener in that way, as they answer my letters sooner than you would. Yet I will write and I am in hopes you or mother may be induced to write me. I am quite well now, and have been very well all the time since I left Vermont except two weeks, better than I have been for years. We are very comfortable in our stockaded tents and warm as one need be. I have seen no cold days like what we have in Vermont this winter although we have had snow for a few days at a time. The weather is very changeable, for one day we have snow and rain, the next one can go out bare headed very comfortably. I tell you I like this climate for me. There has not been a week at a time that is was too cold to ride on horseback. But both of Col. Farnhams horses have been sick with the horse ail, but are nearly well now, so I shall improve my time while I remain here. This is a wild life to lead here in the woods but it is different from what I ever lived before and I have enjoyed myself exceedingly well. Time has passed rapidly for I cannot realize I have been here nearly three months. I find people can live with few conveniences, and not any of the elegancies of life. We have two chairs, a table, a bedstead with the bard on for our furniture. And I would not have more if I could. There is no need of dressing up here. Two dressers are all I use, so I do not trouble myself which I shall wear.

I have all my time to myself to read or do anything I find to be done. Mr. Peach does the cooking in a tent near by. We have anything we choose to buy in Washington. This noon we had rather an extra dinner. Turkey, beef, Sardines, Pudding, besides couple of quails which are a new kind of birds to me. They look like littleyoung turkeys running about on the ground. They are very good to eat but it takes a good many for a dinner. They boys generally well, a few are sick in their quarters. But people at home need not worry about their boys while they can have a tent to live in. For this climate is more like our fall weather, and one does not want very warm houses. There are but a few women here in this county. What are left are all secesh and look as black as night at you, but can do no harm as long as the Union Army is here. They all wear log-cabins for bonnets and go without hoops.

The low whites are dirty and lazy. And some of the better class are not much neater for they have always depended upon negroes to do their work. A Mrs. Ford near here said she never knew how a meal of victuals was cooked until one year ago, and now she is obliged to know as she has to do her own work. I cannot help pitying some of them, but they voted for this war and they must suffer the consequence. This Regt. has had a comparatively easy time, but they have got to see war in earnest I fear before long. I do wish I could be here or in Washington until Ros goes home. But probably shall not, for it is not known how soon this Regt. may move forward, I intend to remain a while longer if I can. I shall see Zeke if he can come here or to Washington. He is very well he writes me. Soldiers when not a march are much better off.

—Anonymous Union soldier, Wolf Run Shoals, Virginia (letter)

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