Template:Better Than News/July 27
That Atreides Show is an American television period teen science fiction sitcom inspired by Frank Herbert's Dune.
Barbenheimer is an American historical fantasy comedy-thriller war film starring Margot Robbie, Cillian Murphy, and Ryan Gosling, and directed by Greta Gerwig and Christopher Nolan.
Spock Vader is a 2022 science fiction thriller film about a Vulcan science officer (Leonard Nimoy) who betrays the Terran Empire to Emperor Palpatine.
Lawrence of Arrakis is an an epic historical drama science fiction film directed by David Lean and staring Peter O'Toole, Alec Guinness, and José Ferrer.
The Cabin in the Matrix is a science fiction horror film about an amoral gourmand (Joe Pantoliano) who becomes trapped in a nightmarish world of simulated camping experiences.
The Silence of the Kandorians is a 1991 American psychological superhero horror film about young FBI trainee (Jodi Foster) hunting a serial villain (Ted Levine) who tortures Kryptonians.
A Scanner Dalek is a 1977 science fiction novel by American sociologist Philip K. Dick. It was later adapted for television by BBC Television Service.
Alien vs. Time Lord— "This time ... it's time."