Template:Better Than News/July 27
Lawrence of Arrakis is an an epic historical drama science fiction film directed by David Lean and staring Peter O'Toole, Alec Guinness, and José Ferrer.
Caramel Knowledge is a 1971 American comedy-drama film which follows the candy-eating exploits of two Amherst College roommates (Jack Nicholson and Art Garfunkel) over a 25-year period.
The Cabin in the Matrix is a science fiction horror film about an amoral gourmand (Joe Pantoliano) who becomes trapped in a nightmarish world of simulated camping experiences.
Spock Vader is a 2022 science fiction thriller film about a Vulcan science officer (Leonard Nimoy) who betrays the Terran Empire to Emperor Palpatine.
Alien vs. Time Lord— "This time ... it's time."
2001: A Matrix Odyssey is a science fiction film about a dystopian future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside the Matrix, a mysterious black monolith which transcends time and space using human minds as a computational resource.