Only Satan gets to do that

From Gnomon Chronicles
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I used to think that Stephen Miller is the most loathsome despicable monster on the planet.

Dinesh D'Souza is worse. I won't tell you the horrible, hideous sexual fantasies he has invented about the attack on Paul Pelosi (and which have exploded like the Devil's wildfire on Twitter).

The calculated lies of an exceptionally intelligent and charismatic sociopath. He doesn't actually believe these things.

He is playing a role: stoking the flames of hate with lies. Only Satan gets to do that.

Evil. Evil, evil, evil.

D'Souza is the author of the deranged and false yet deeply persuasive conspiracy film "2000 Mules, about how "the Democrats stole Trump's victory."

It's been completely debunked (by William Barr, among others). Yet "2000 Mules" was very popular up here in Ely, Minnesota. (I attended, along with some 200 others. It was like a religious revival for Trump ... except, strangely, with out the "T" word, as if they had all agreed it was too toxic to say, even those Trump is the official object of their worship.)

  • Post @ Facebook (31 October 2022)