Template:Better Than News/June 14
Armory (full title: Armory by Lauren Boebert) is a gun violence themed perfume manufactured by Jan 6 Industries under license to the Greater Sol System Co-Prosperity Sphere.
Defenestration of the Realm is 1986 documentary home repair thriller film about a journalist (Gabriel Byrne) who discovers a shocking pattern of people being thrown out windows to their deaths.
"Be honest, do you return the shopping cart??" —Not if I can fling it hundreds of feet into the air. ("Shopping Cart Blues")
The Night Captain Marvel Came Out of the Grave is a 1971 Italian giallo superhero film about a wealthy aristocrat who lures superheroes and prostitutes to his home to torture and kill them.
Taxi Joker is an historical American drama film about taxi drivers coping with clown violence on the job.