War Diaries (nonfiction)

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Diary of Anne Frank.

War Diaries is a set of quotations written in diaries during wartime.

List of War Diaries

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Isaac Harris

Isaac Harris Diary, U.S. Sanitary Commission

Date: June 12 - July 18, 1863

Friday June 12th 63

The rumors of a move seem to be premature and we are again subsiding to a comparative degree of comfort, yet there is so much mystery visible at Head QJ.larters, and at the Commissary Dept. so much activity that we are compelled to believe something is on th,e tapis. The Rebs on the other side of the river show themselves in greater numbers than before and are not so friendly. Some picket firing is going on, and the usual mid-day exchange of tobacco and papers is prohibited. What is up? At noon the Pontoon train, two batteries of light 12's and one of 3 in. Rifled pieces passed down by the Lacey House and behind the "Seven Sisters" Bluff, shortly followed by the Vermont Brigade of the 6th Corps. At three o'clock the three batteries opened on the Rebel rifle pits opposite Franklin's Crossing maintaining a heavy fire, which was replied to feebly by some Whitworth guns, half way up Mary's Heights. At Six the Vermonters took to the boats and pulled across, our guns continuing their fire until the boats touched the bank - then a yell - a rush, a rattle of musketry and the fight is over, and the Rebs on the run towards the city the Sisters giving them some 32's to hurry them along. By seven the bridge is laid and the troops cross and spread over the plain as far as the house where Bufort was killed. The fight was witnessed by thousands seated on the bluff, whom the Whitworth shells disturbed a bit. At the "Sisters" were a number of ladies who stood the fire splendidly and applauded every good shot by shouts and waving of handkerchiefs. Just before dark Mao, Swaim & I rode over to see how things were with the boys and returning Mac's horse was crowded off the bridge, causing both to swim for it, one to the North and the other to the South bank of the river. They were soon together again and we returned to camp undecided as to the meaning of the movement. Our small pox patient left his tent this P.M. while we were absent, and frightened the other niggers away, so that we are our own chefs for supper. No word from Acquia or Washington.

Anonymous girl (American Civil War)

Young Girl’s Pocket Diary, June – July, 1863, CCHS (transcribed by Frank Kline)

–The unknown young girl wrote on Monday, June 29:

“The Rebels are going in every house and stealing all they can”

Henry Hitchcock

December 22, 1864 (Thursday)

Early in the morning General Sherman enters Savannah, stops at Pulaski House to secure lodging and establish his Savannah headquarters. Major Henry Hitchcock wrote about this first day in a letter to his wife on Christmas Eve (Marching with Sherman, pp. 198-199):

"We went first to the "Pulaski House," the hotel where Capt. Sherman used to stay when on duty here many years ago. Very soon a number of the leading citizens called to pay their respects, amont them a brother of Gen. Hardee, --Dr. Arnold, the Mayor,-- etc., etc., and were all very kindly received. Besides, came Mr. Chas. Green, a wealthy banker, a British subject, who has the finest house in the city, and not only invited but urged the General very earnestly to take up his quarters there -- which he finally consented to, on condition that we suply our own mess and set our own table. We "occupied and possessed" it at once and are now in it. It is a fine house, two-story double, larger than your Mother's, and very handsomely furnished before the war --- looks a little warn now. In the wide hall are some very handsome pieces of statuary, banana trees, growing in tubes, etc., and several fine pictures in the varous rooms, books of engravings, etc."

In the afternoon of December 22, 1864, as recorded in Sherman's Memoirs, published 1875:

"Within an hour of taking my my quarters in Mr. Green's house, Mr. A.G. Browne, of Salem, Massachusetts, United States Treasury agent for the Department of the South, made his appearance to claim possession, in the name of the Treasury Department...".

During this discussion, Browne suggests that Sherman send a telegram to president Lincoln offering him the city of Savannah as a Christmas present. Sherman writes out the message (below), which is then sent by ship to Fortress Monroe, Virginia, from where it is wired to the white house. (Click on photo for larger image):

Sherman Telegram to Lincoln "To his excellency President Lincoln. I beg to present you as a Christmas Gift the City of Savannah, with 150 heavy guns and plenty of ammunition and also about 25,000 bales of cotton".

December 24, 1864 (Friday) Sherman issues Special Field Order No. 139:

"Savannah, being now in our possession, the river partially cleared out, and measures having been taken to remove all obstructions, will at made be made a depot for future operations:"

Whereupon Sherman followed with specifics about possession of public buildings, fact that no rents were to be paid, and also orders for the stationing of troops in and about the city. On the same day Sherman also issued Special Field Order No. 143, stating:

"During war, the military is superior to civil authority, and where interests clash, the civil must give way; yet, where there is no conflict, every encouragement should be given to well-disposed and peaceful inhabitants to resume their usual pursuits."

"...Not more than two newspapers will be published in Savannah; their editors and proprietors will be held to the strictest accountability, and will be punished severely, in person and property, for any libelous publication, mischievous matter, premature news, exaggerated statements, or any comments whatever upon the acts of the constituted authorities; they will be held accountable for such articles, even though copied from other papers."

Fanny Yates Cohen

December 25, 1864: Fanny Yates Cohen, a 24-year-old Savannah woman, writes in her diary:

"Christmas is here again...A season of sadness & gloomy retrospection for us of the South, one of joy & gayety to the people of the North. This is the saddest Christmas that I have ever spent and my only pleasure during the day has been in looking forward to spending my next Christmas in the Confederacy."

Cornelius C. Platter

Below is an entry from Cornelius C. Platter Civil War Diary for Saturday, January 7, 1865. Parades were common in occupied Savannah, both to boost morale of the citizenry and to give soldiers something to do. Note that Sherman reviewed this 'grand review'.

To day [Today] the grand review of the 15th Corps came off. and it was indeed a grand affair. We were reviewed by Genl [General] Sherman. Our Div [Division] was formed on Liberty St. Had to wait Several hours before the reviewing officer passed - It was quite cool, which made it rather unpleasant - The reviewing Officer was stationed[illegible] ...A vast concourse of Citizens and soldiers were present to see the Corps pass. It was near 4 oclock when we returned to camp. Had Dress parade before the Battalion was dismissed. Gen [General] Logan arrived to - day [today] in time to see his Corps on review. Recd [Received] a mail this evening -- Rec'd [Received] two letters. One from Lizzie and the other from home from Lib - folks at home very anxious to hear from me. Col [Colonel] Adams & Lt [Lieutenant] Howell gave us a call this evening Heard that Gen [General] Brown has recalled the Georgia State Troops & ordered the stars and stripes to be hoisted in the State -- Retired late -

Below are excerpts from Cornelius C. Platter Civil War Diary for Friday, January 27 through Sunday, January 29, 1865. These entries cover: receipt of orders to move out of Savannah; the above West Broad Street fire; and information about where the army is going once it is out of Savannah.

Friday Jany 27th 1865

Up early -- There is a strong probability afloat that we will move tomorrow. So Joe and I spent the forenoon in making out reports so as to be ready to move. The last of the 20th Corps move out today and the 3d Brigade moved out after them. Recd [Received] a large mail today. got 3 letters. One from home. one from Lizzie and the other announcing Dave Murphys arrival at Columbus, O. This will be our last mail for sometime as we will not join our Corps untill [until] we get near Branchville S.C. Nothing definite is known concerning the coming campaigns. It is said we will take the same amount of rations as we did on the Savannah campaign - Wrote several letters and will send them North by Leut [Lieutenant] Robinson who will start North as soon as a[illegible] leaves -- Packed up this eve and will be ready to start at 7 AM tomorrow morning - the time we are ordered to be ready to move. Retired late.

Saturday Jany 28th 1865

After retiring last night was awakened at 11 1/2 A.M. by the explosions of shells in the Rebel arsenel [arsenal] which was destroyed by fire - at times the explosions were terrific. A great many buildings were burned and a number of lives, were lost. The 'fire engines" could do but very little to extinguishe [extinguish] the flames on account of the bursting of the shells. Was up early - packed and loaded up and left at the time ordered. 81st bringing up the rear of the Brigade - rear of the Div [Division] and the rear of Shermans army. We passed through the city and took the Louisville Road and traveled briskly untill [until] sundown making 18 mile and camped 2 mile east of Eden - We passed through a low marsh country and as the roads were impassable, we marched on the RR [unclear: ( C and A RR)] the rails and this having been removed so that wagons could travel over it. This has been a cold raw day. Lt. [Lieutenant] Robinson left this morning in the "America" for the North. There are various rumors afloat as to our probable destination but the general impression is that we will make for Wilmington N.C. Our Div Div [Div [Division] ] will cross the Savannah at Sisters Ferry. The 14th and 21st Corps are ahead of us. Retired early.

Sunday Jany 29th 1865

This has not seemed much like Sunday. "Broke up" camp at 6 1/2 am and traveled until sundown, camping 1 mile south of Springfield - having marched 14 mile over the most miserable roads imaginable - Country very poor. only saw two houses to day -- No forage - The 81st being in the advance we had plenty of work to do, making "corduroy" . The country to day [today] was swampy and unproductive -- Heard to day [today] Genl [General] Shermans order concerning the coming campaigns - Army of the Tenn under Genl [General] Howard to concentrate at on Pocataligo S.C. The army of the Cumberland under [illegible] to concentrate at Robertville S.C. -- both armies to load their wagons with the same amount of supplies as on the "Savannah Campaign" and then both armies to march onwards. Retired late.

Josephine Clay Habersham

July 8, 1863

News sad enough, but not believed, that Vicksburg has fallen! It seems impossible after the repeated assurances that Pemberton's sustenance would last much longer. It would be dreadful, but it is not credited. Against this, we hear that Lee has fought with Meade (Hooker's Army) and beat and captured 40,000 prisoners! 14 Pity they hadn't just happened to chance to get killed instead. [Comment: Lee's 3-day assault at Gettysburg ended July 3 and he retreated back to Virginia. Vicksburg surrended July 4 and this news did not reach Savannah unitl July 8. Evidently the real outcome at Gettysburg had not yet reached Savannahians; see August 1, 1863.]

August 1, 1863

July has been a gloomy month for our beloved Confederacy! Beginning with every cheerful aspect, everybody confident, yet early in July Vicksburg surrendered. Lee's invasion was unfortunate; he had to recross the Potomac. Fort Hudson surrendered, Jackson evacuated and burnt, and all the country round about devastated. Morgan the Raider captured with many men. Bragg had to retreat from the fertile country of East Tennessee and fall upon Chattanooga without fighting and overcoming Rosencranz. Charleston invested! To be sure, so far, we have repulsed the enemy there, but can Fort Wagner stand much more? All this is a heavy gloomy list. Reports, too, of coming raids in Alabama and Northern Georgia. So much for July. Yet we are not despondent. Reverses will but nerve to greater energy and self sacrifice the Southern arm and the Southern heart.

From the diary of Josephine Clay Habersham, as quoted in Ebb Tide, page 57.

October 31, 1863 diary entry of Josephine Clay Habersham, as quoted in Spencer King's book Ebb Tide:]

Saturday. Went to the Shops, frightened at the prices of things—disgusted. Anna King takes it more quietly, being used to it—the flaying— $195.00 for a dress I could have got two years ago for just $9.00. One hundred and ninety-five dollars for a dress for Anna, for they would not cut ten yards for her. Sixty dollars for a straw bonnet for me—untrimmed! Dr. J. C. has been taking his meals with us. I was writing to Joseph Clay when Neyle came in, said he had seen the President, and I had better go to the Masonic Hall to the "Shaking of hands." We did so—were much pleased with the affability of the President. He has a good, mild, pleasant face, not very remarkable, but thoughtful and, altogether, looks as a President of our struggling Country should look—care worn and thoughtful, and firm, and quiet.

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