Cope harder, dipshit

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Why are there no charges, Pepester?

Because there ain't no fucking evidence for charges, not even to Bull Durham. That's why.

Cope harder, dipshit.

One more time:

1. It wasn’t a “hoax.” Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to try to help elect Trump.

2. The Trump campaign did welcome & encourage the interference.

3. There WAS collusion. Don Jr took that meeting. Manafort gave the Russians campaign secrets. The Trump campaign had an unusual # of Russian connections. Mueller couldn’t prove a conspiracy.

4. Trump did obstruct the Mueller investigation. Repeatedly.

5. And btw, our FBI was right to launch an investigation. The DOJ IG agreed, Senate Republicans agreed. Even Durham today said the FBI had cause to open a preliminary investigation.

6. Did the FBI make mistakes? Sure, but their intentions were noble: To protect this country.

  • Post @ Twitter (Joe Walsh)

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  • Post @ Twitter (16 May 2023)