Fractured Sidney Powells
Fractured Sidney Powells is an American animated cartoon television series about American attorney and former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell (nonfiction).
In the News
One Flew Over the MAGA's Nest is a 2022 American political drama film about a man confined to a mental hospital (Jack Nicholson) who is seduced into a dangerous relationship by a mentally unstable attorney (Sidney Powell).
Dr. Pepper's Advocate is a 2022 American political surrealism horror film about a high-profile attorney (Sidney Powell) who sells her soul to the Devil (Al Pacino) for a can of cool, refreshing Dr. Pepper.
No Reasonable Person: The Sidney Powell Story is a docudrama film about serially censured attorney and conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell.
Trump Funk is a toxic psychological substance exuded by Donald Trump.
"My Mike Lindell Things" is a song about substance abuser, conspiracy theorist, and pillow manufacturer Mike Lindell.
The Trumpside Down is a 2022 political horror film about a twice-impeached American President (Donald Trump) who opens a hole into "The Trumpside Down", an alternate reality ruled by demons.
Fiction cross-reference
- Dr. Pepper's Advocate
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- My Mike Lindell Things
- No Reasonable Person: The Sidney Powell Story
- One Flew Over the MAGA's Nest
- The Trumpside Down
- Trump Funk
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Post @ Twitter (18 October 2022)
- Fractured Fairy Tales - Cinderella