The Jaguar and the Bat
The Jaguar and the Bat is a superhero travel-adventure television series hosted by Bruce Wayne. In the pilot episode, the god Tezcatlipoca is outraged when billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne takes a priceless Aztec mask from an ancient temple.
In the News
Peak Batman is the moment at which economically viable production of Batman intellectual property starts to decrease. It is related to the distinct concept of Batman depletion; while global intellect reserves are finite, the limiting factor is not whether the intellect exists but whether it will pay for Batman films, action figures, etc. at a given price.
Prometheus & Louise is a 2021 American alien-female buddy road film directed by Ridley Scott starring Geena Davis as Prometheus and Susan Sarandon as Louise, two friends who embark on a road trip which ends up in unforeseen non-Euclidean space.
Fiction cross-reference
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- [ Post] @ Twitter (27 November 2022)
- [] @ Wikipedia
- [] @ Wikipedia
- @ YouTube
- @ YouTube