Swampfellas is a 1990 crime horror drama film written by Alan Moore and directed by Martin Scorsese.
In the News
The Shawshank Invasion is a science fiction prison breakout horror film starring James Whitmore and Bob Grunton.
Midnight Heart is an American neo-noir horror-comedy buddy film about the mysterious financier Louis Cyphre (Robert De Niro), who hires a criminal accountant known only as The Duke (Charles Grodin) to investigate the disappearance of a man known as Eddie Moscone. In a cross-country chase, Cyphre must deceive the authorities, exterminate the mob, and provoke The Duke into committing a series of horrific murders.
Judge Dredd Doesn't Live Here Anymore is a film science fiction drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Diane Lane and Diane Ladd.
Fiction cross-reference
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Judge Dredd Doesn't Live Here Anymore
- Midnight Heart
- Scorsese Festival
- The Shawshank Invasion
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Post @ Twitter (11 October 2022)
- [] @ Wikipedia
- @ YouTube