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|| *** DONE: Pics ***
||1202: Joachim of Fiore dies ... mystic and theologian. No DOB. Pic.

File:Adam Ries.png|link=Adam Ries (nonfiction)|1599: Mathematician [[Adam Ries (nonfiction)|Adam Ries]] dies. Reis wrote textbooks for practical mathematics, promoting the advantages of Arabic/Indian numerals over Roman numerals.
File:Adam Ries.png|link=Adam Ries (nonfiction)|1599: Mathematician [[Adam Ries (nonfiction)|Adam Ries]] dies. Reis wrote textbooks for practical mathematics, promoting the advantages of Arabic/Indian numerals over Roman numerals.

File:Tabulae_motuum_caelestium_universales_by_Vincentio_Reinieri_(1647).png|link=Vincentio Reinieri (nonfiction)|1606: Mathematician and astronomer [[Vincentio Reinieri (nonfiction)|Vincentio Reinieri]] born. Reinieri revised and finished the work of [[Galileo Galilei (nonfiction)|Galileo]], who before his death placed all of the papers containing his observations and calculations in Reinieri's hands.
File:Tabulae_motuum_caelestium_universales_by_Vincentio_Reinieri_(1647).png|link=Vincentio Reinieri (nonfiction)|1606: Mathematician and astronomer [[Vincentio Reinieri (nonfiction)|Vincentio Reinieri]] born. Reinieri revised and finished the work of Galileo, who before his death placed all of the papers containing his observations and calculations in Reinieri's hands.
||1689: Kazimierz Łyszczyński dies ... Polish-Lithuanian nobleman, landowner in Brest Litovsk Voivodeship of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, philosopher, and soldier in the ranks of the Sapieha family, who was accused, tried, and executed for atheism in 1689. Pic: postage stamp.
||1707: French general and military engineer Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban dies. He participated in each of the wars fought by France during the reign of Louis XIV. His design principles served as the dominant model of fortification for nearly 100 years, while his offensive tactics remained in use until the early twentieth century. Pic.
||1754: Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier born ... chemistry and physics teacher, and one of the first pioneers of aviation. He and the Marquis d'Arlandes made the first manned free balloon flight on 21 November 1783, in a Montgolfier balloon. Pic.
||1783: William Hunter dies ... anatomist and physician ... a leading teacher of anatomy, and the outstanding obstetrician of his day. Pic.

File:Robert Bunsen.jpg|link=Robert Bunsen (nonfiction)|1811: Chemist and academic [[Robert Bunsen (nonfiction)|Robert Bunsen]] born. Bunsen will investigate emission spectra of heated elements, and discover caesium (in 1860) and rubidium (in 1861) with the physicist Gustav Kirchhoff.
File:Robert Bunsen.jpg|link=Robert Bunsen (nonfiction)|1811: Chemist and academic [[Robert Bunsen (nonfiction)|Robert Bunsen]] born. Bunsen will investigate emission spectra of heated elements, and discover caesium (in 1860) and rubidium (in 1861) with the physicist Gustav Kirchhoff.
||1832: Stephen Groombridge dies ... merchant and astronomer. Pic.
||1842: Ether anesthesia is used for the first time, in an operation by the American surgeon Dr. Crawford Long. Pic.
||1857: Léon Charles Thévenin born ... telegraph engineer ... He extended Ohm's law to the analysis of complex electrical circuits. Pic.
||1863: Auguste Bravais dies ... physicist known for his work in crystallography, the conception of Bravais lattices, and the formulation of Bravais law. Pic.
||1865: Heinrich Rubens born ... physicist. He is known for his measurements of the energy of black-body radiation which led Max Planck to the discovery of his radiation law. This was the genesis of quantum theory. Pic, also search.
||1867: Alaska is purchased from Russia for $7.2 million, about 2-cent/acre ($4.19/km²), by United States Secretary of State William H. Seward.

File:Stanisław Leśniewski.jpg|link=Stanisław Leśniewski (nonfiction)|1886: Mathematician, philosopher, and logician [[Stanisław Leśniewski (nonfiction)|Stanisław Leśniewski]] born. Leśniewski will posit three nested formal systems, to which he will give the Greek-derived names of protothetic, ontology, and mereology.
File:Stanisław Leśniewski.jpg|link=Stanisław Leśniewski (nonfiction)|1886: Mathematician, philosopher, and logician [[Stanisław Leśniewski (nonfiction)|Stanisław Leśniewski]] born. Leśniewski will posit three nested formal systems, to which he will give the Greek-derived names of protothetic, ontology, and mereology.
||1888: J. R. Williams born ... cartoonist. Pic.

File:Stefan Banach.jpg|link=Stefan Banach (nonfiction)|1892: Mathematician and academic [[Stefan Banach (nonfiction)|Stefan Banach]] born. Banach will be one of the founders of modern functional analysis.
File:Stefan Banach.jpg|link=Stefan Banach (nonfiction)|1892: Mathematician and academic [[Stefan Banach (nonfiction)|Stefan Banach]] born. Banach will be one of the founders of modern functional analysis.
||1892: Erwin Panofsky born ... art historian, whose academic career was pursued mostly in the U.S. after the rise of the Nazi regime. Panofsky's work represents a high point in the modern academic study of iconography, which he used in hugely influential works like his "little book" Renaissance and Renascences in Western Art and his masterpiece, Early Netherlandish Painting. Pic.
||1894: Sergey Ilyushin born ... engineer, founded Ilyushin Aircraft Company. Pic.
||1899: German Society of Chemistry issues an invitation to other national scientific organizations to appoint delegates to the International Committee on Atomic Weights.
||1905: Albert Pierrepoint born ... English hangman who executed between 435 and 600 people in a 25-year career that ended in 1956. His father, Henry, and uncle Thomas were official hangmen before him. Pic.
||1910: Józef Marcinkiewicz born ... soldier, mathematician, and academic. DOD uncertain: probably died in Katyn massacre. Pic.
||1911: Ellen Henrietta Swallow Richards dies ... industrial and safety engineer, environmental chemist, and university faculty member in the United States during the 19th century. She was the founder of the home economics movement characterized by the application of science to the home, and the first to apply chemistry to the study of nutrition. Pic.
||1914: John Henry Poynting dies ... physicist. He was the developer and eponym of the Poynting vector, which describes the direction and magnitude of electromagnetic energy flow and is used in the Poynting theorem, a statement about energy conservation for electric and magnetic fields. Pic.
||1919: McGeorge Bundy born ... American intelligence officer and diplomat. Pic.
||1919: Robin M. Williams born ... mathematician and academic, Manhattan Project. Pic search.
||1922: Arthur Wightman born ... mathematical physicist. He was one of the founders of the axiomatic approach to quantum field theory, and originated the set of Wightman axioms. Pic search.
||1929: Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro born ... mathematician. During a career that spanned 60 years he made major contributions to applied science as well as pure mathematics. In the last forty years his research focused on pure mathematics; in particular, analytic number theory, group representations and algebraic geometry. His main contribution and impact was in the area of automorphic forms and L-functions. Pic.
||1941: Herbert Freundlich dies ... chemist. Freundlich's main works dealt with the coagulation and stability of colloidal solutions. Pic.

File:Charles_Vernon_Boys.jpg|link=C. V. Boys (nonfiction)|1944: Physicist [[C. V. Boys (nonfiction)|Charles Vernon Boys]] dies. Boys achieved recognition as a scientist for his invention of the fused quartz fiber torsion balance, which allowed him to measure extremely small forces, and is remembered for his careful and innovative experimental work.
File:Charles_Vernon_Boys.jpg|link=C. V. Boys (nonfiction)|1944: Physicist [[C. V. Boys (nonfiction)|Charles Vernon Boys]] dies. Boys achieved recognition as a scientist for his invention of the fused quartz fiber torsion balance, which allowed him to measure extremely small forces, and is remembered for his careful and innovative experimental work.

||1949: Friedrich Karl Rudolf Bergius dies ... chemist known for the Bergius process for producing synthetic fuel from coal, Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1931, together with Carl Bosch) in recognition of contributions to the invention and development of chemical high-pressure methods. Pic.
||1954: Physicist and academic Fritz London dies. He made fundamental contributions to the theories of chemical bonding and of intermolecular forces (London dispersion forces). With his brother Heinz London, he made a significant contribution to understanding electromagnetic properties of superconductors with the London equations. Pic.
||1961: Philibert Jacques Melotte dies ... astronomer. In 1908 he discovered a moon of Jupiter, today known as Pasiphaë. It was simply designated "Jupiter VIII" and was not given its present name until 1975.  Pic search.
||1980: Cornelis Jacobus (Cor) Gorter dies ... experimental and theoretical physicist. Among other work, he discovered paramagnetic relaxation and was a pioneer in low temperature physics. Pic search.
||1982: Space Shuttle program: STS-3 Mission is completed with the landing of Columbia at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.
File:John_Lighton_Synge.jpg|link=John Lighton Synge (nonfiction)|1995: Mathematician, physicist, and academic [[John Lighton Synge (nonfiction)|John Lighton Synge]] dies. Synge was a prolific author and influential mentor, and is credited with the introduction of a new geometrical approach to the theory of relativity.
||2000: George Batchelor dies ... applied mathematician and fluid dynamicist. He is known for the Batchelor vortex and the Batchelor scale. Pic.
||2008: Roland Fraïssé dies ... mathematical logician. In his doctorial thesis, Fraïssé used the back-and-forth method to determine whether two model-theoretic structures were elementarily equivalent. This method of determining elementary equivalence was later formulated as the Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé game.  Pic search.
||2010: Morris R. Jeppson dies ... American lieutenant and physicist ... Jeppson was a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. He served as assistant weaponeer on the Enola Gay, which dropped the first atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945. Pic.
||2010: Onorato Nicoletti dies ... mathematician. He published works in various fields of mathematics, including numerical analysis, infinitesmal analysis, the equations related to hermitian matrices, and differential equations.  Pic.
||2015: Ingrid van Houten-Groeneveld dies ... astronomer and academic. Pic.
||2017: SpaceX conducts the world’s first reflight of an orbital class rocket.
||2018: Mathematician and academic Philip J. Davis dies. He was known for his work in numerical analysis and approximation theory, as well as his investigations in the history and philosophy of mathematics. For The Mathematical Experience (1981), Davis and Reuben Hersh will win a National Book Award in Science. Pic search.
File:Cantor Parabola.jpg|link=Cantor Parabola|2018: Math photographer [[Cantor Parabola]] attends Minicon 53, taking a series of photographs with temporal superimpositions from Minicons 52 and 54.


Revision as of 05:33, 30 March 2022