Template:Selected anniversaries/August 26: Difference between revisions

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||1833: Stephen Joseph Perry born ... Jesuit and astronomer, known as a participant in scientific expeditions. Pic.
||1833: Stephen Joseph Perry born ... Jesuit and astronomer, known as a participant in scientific expeditions. Pic.

||1843: The first U.S. design of a typewriter that successfully typed was issued a patent to Charles Thurber of Norwich, Conn. (No. 3,228) as a “machine for printing by hand by pressing upon keys which contain the type, called ‘Thurber's Patent Printer.’” He was the first to place the paper on a roller and give it longitudinal motion with provision for accurate letter and word spacing. It had a wheel carrying the keys around its circumference. A roller provided inking. However, the machine was slow to use, and only a concept model. Two years later, he patented a design for a writing (not typing) machine, which he called a Chirographer (18 Nov 1845, No. 4,271). On 27 Jun 1857, British Letters Patent were sealed (No. 1805) on Thurber's invention of “An improved caligraph.”
||1843: The first U.S. design of a typewriter that successfully typed was issued a patent to Charles Thurber of Norwich, Conn. (No. 3,228) as a “machine for printing by hand by pressing upon keys which contain the type, called ‘Thurber's Patent Printer.’” He was the first to place the paper on a roller and give it longitudinal motion with provision for accurate letter and word spacing. It had a wheel carrying the keys around its circumference. A roller provided inking. However, the machine was slow to use, and only a concept model. Two years later, he patented a design for a writing (not typing) machine, which he called a Chirographer (18 Nov 1845, No. 4,271). On 27 Jun 1857, British Letters Patent were sealed (No. 1805) on Thurber's invention of “An improved caligraph.” No pics of Thurber online, but possible pics of machine: https://www.google.com/search?q="Charles+Thurber"+inventor

||1850: Charles Richet born ... physiologist, bacteriologist and pathologist who was awarded the 1913 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. He coined (1902) the term "anaphylaxis" meaning "against protection" to describe the subject of his research, when he found a second vaccinating dose of sea anemone toxin caused a dog's death. Instead of producing protection, as expected in the normal response to vaccination, the first dose had produced a life-threatening sensitivity. This led to an understanding a variety of allergic reactions, hay-fever and asthma. His other interests included aviation: attracted by Marey's experiments on bird flight, Richet participated in the design and construction of one of the first airplanes to leave the ground under its own power. Pic.
||1850: Charles Richet born ... physiologist, bacteriologist and pathologist who was awarded the 1913 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. He coined (1902) the term "anaphylaxis" meaning "against protection" to describe the subject of his research, when he found a second vaccinating dose of sea anemone toxin caused a dog's death. Instead of producing protection, as expected in the normal response to vaccination, the first dose had produced a life-threatening sensitivity. This led to an understanding a variety of allergic reactions, hay-fever and asthma. His other interests included aviation: attracted by Marey's experiments on bird flight, Richet participated in the design and construction of one of the first airplanes to leave the ground under its own power. Pic.

||1856: William Henry Perkin, an English chemist, applied for a British patent titled "Dyeing Fabrics" for his invention of aniline dye "producing a new coloring matter for dyeing with a lilac or purple color stuffs of silk, cotton, wool or other materials." It was sealed on 20 Feb 1857. This was the first synthetic dye, which he obtained at first unintentionally from coal tar (a by-product of coal gas production) while seeking a method to prepare the anti-malarial drug quinine from that source. Perkin was just 18 years old. With help from his father and brother, he began manufacturing the dye, which he called Tyrian purple. Within a few years, he was wealthy and in in 1873 sold the business to turn to chemistry full-time.
||1856: William Henry Perkin, an English chemist, applied for a British patent titled "Dyeing Fabrics" for his invention of aniline dye "producing a new coloring matter for dyeing with a lilac or purple color stuffs of silk, cotton, wool or other materials." It was sealed on 20 Feb 1857. This was the first synthetic dye, which he obtained at first unintentionally from coal tar (a by-product of coal gas production) while seeking a method to prepare the anti-malarial drug quinine from that source. Perkin was just 18 years old. With help from his father and brother, he began manufacturing the dye, which he called Tyrian purple. Within a few years, he was wealthy and in in 1873 sold the business to turn to chemistry full-time. Pic.

||1865: Johann Franz Encke dies ... astronomer and academic ... worked on the calculation of the periods of comets and asteroids, measured the distance from the earth to the sun, and made observations of the planet Saturn. Pic.
||1865: Johann Franz Encke dies ... astronomer and academic ... worked on the calculation of the periods of comets and asteroids, measured the distance from the earth to the sun, and made observations of the planet Saturn. Pic.
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||1865: Arthur James Arnot born ... engineer, designed the Spencer Street Power Station. Pic search: https://www.google.com/search?q=arthur+james+arnot
||1865: Arthur James Arnot born ... engineer, designed the Spencer Street Power Station. Pic search: https://www.google.com/search?q=arthur+james+arnot

||1873: Lee de Forest ... engineer and academic, invented the Audion tube.
||1873: Lee de Forest born ... engineer and academic, invented the Audion tube. Pic.

||1875: Giuseppe Vitali born ... mathematician who worked in several branches of mathematical analysis. He gives his name to several entities in mathematics, most notably the Vitali set with which he was the first to give an example of a non-measurable subset of real numbers. Pic.
||1875: Giuseppe Vitali born ... mathematician who worked in several branches of mathematical analysis. He gives his name to several entities in mathematics, most notably the Vitali set with which he was the first to give an example of a non-measurable subset of real numbers. Pic.
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||1910:  William James dies ... psychologist and philosopher who was a leader of the philosophical movement of Pragmatism and of the psychological movement of functionalism. Although he first began a career as a zoologist, and traveled to Brazil on expedition with  Louis Agassiz, James moved to the medical school, and then his life’s work investigating the mind. He served terms as President of the American Psychological Association and of the International Society for Psychical Research. After retiring from active teaching, he became the foremost American advocate for “pragmatism” in philosophical thought by which “that is true which works.” Pic.
||1910:  William James dies ... psychologist and philosopher who was a leader of the philosophical movement of Pragmatism and of the psychological movement of functionalism. Although he first began a career as a zoologist, and traveled to Brazil on expedition with  Louis Agassiz, James moved to the medical school, and then his life’s work investigating the mind. He served terms as President of the American Psychological Association and of the International Society for Psychical Research. After retiring from active teaching, he became the foremost American advocate for “pragmatism” in philosophical thought by which “that is true which works.” Pic.

||1918: Katherine Johnson born ... physicist and mathematician. (Alive c. Feb. 2019.) Pic.
||1918: Katherine Johnson born ... physicist and mathematician. (Alive February 2019.) Pic.

File:Marie Curie c1920.jpg|link=Marie Curie (nonfiction)|1919: Physicist, chemist, and criminal investigator [[Marie Curie (nonfiction)|Marie Curie]] discovers a [[Gnomon algorithm function]] which detects and prevents [[Extract of Radium]] outbreaks.  
File:Marie Curie c1920.jpg|link=Marie Curie (nonfiction)|1919: Physicist, chemist, and criminal investigator [[Marie Curie (nonfiction)|Marie Curie]] discovers a [[Gnomon algorithm function]] which detects and prevents [[Extract of Radium]] outbreaks.  
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||1998: Robert Joseph Huebner dies ... virologist whose theory that certain genes, which he called oncogenes, are involved in cancer focused researchers' attention on finding them. His investigations paved the way for the discovery of viral causes of cancers and several other serious diseases and for the development of a number of vaccines and treatments. Pic: http://www.edubilla.com/award/national-medal-of-science/robert-huebner/
||1998: Robert Joseph Huebner dies ... virologist whose theory that certain genes, which he called oncogenes, are involved in cancer focused researchers' attention on finding them. His investigations paved the way for the discovery of viral causes of cancers and several other serious diseases and for the development of a number of vaccines and treatments. Pic: http://www.edubilla.com/award/national-medal-of-science/robert-huebner/

|File:Egg Tooth Neighborhood Association logo.jpg|link=Egg Tooth (neighborhood)|2010: [[Egg Tooth (neighborhood)|Egg Tooth Neighborhood Association]] sponsors conference on the life and work of writer and crime-fighter [[John Brunner]].
||2011: Patrick C. Fischer dies ... computer scientist and academic ... noted researcher in computational complexity theory and database theory, and a target of the Unabomber. Pic search yes: https://www.google.com/search?q=Patrick+C.+Fischer
||2011: Patrick C. Fischer dies ... computer scientist and academic.

||2012: Krzysztof Wilmanski dies ... physicist and academic.
||2012: Krzysztof Wilmanski dies ... physicist and academic.

Revision as of 09:39, 26 August 2019