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File:Howard Hughes 1940s.jpg|link=Howard Hughes (nonfiction)|1905: Businessman, investor, aviator, film director, and philanthropist [[Howard Hughes (nonfiction)|Howard Hughes]] born. He will be known during his lifetime as one of the most financially successful individuals in the world.
File:Howard Hughes 1940s.jpg|link=Howard Hughes (nonfiction)|1905: Businessman, investor, aviator, film director, and philanthropist [[Howard Hughes (nonfiction)|Howard Hughes]] born. He will be known during his lifetime as one of the most financially successful individuals in the world.

||Hendrik Wade Bode (b. December 24, 1905) was an American engineer, researcher, inventor, author and scientist, of Dutch ancestry. As a pioneer of modern control theory and electronic telecommunications he revolutionized both the content and methodology of his chosen fields of research. Pic.
||1905: Hendrik Wade Bode born ... engineer, researcher, inventor, author and scientist, of Dutch ancestry. As a pioneer of modern control theory and electronic telecommunications he revolutionized both the content and methodology of his chosen fields of research. Pic.

File:Reginald Fessenden.jpg|link=Reginald Fessenden (nonfiction)|1906: Inventor [[Reginald Fessenden (nonfiction)|Reginald Fessenden]] transmits the first radio broadcast; consisting of a poetry reading, a violin solo, and a speech.
File:Reginald Fessenden.jpg|link=Reginald Fessenden (nonfiction)|1906: Inventor [[Reginald Fessenden (nonfiction)|Reginald Fessenden]] transmits the first radio broadcast; consisting of a poetry reading, a violin solo, and a speech.

||1913 The Italian Hall disaster in Calumet, Michigan results in the deaths of 73 Christmas party participants (including 59 children) when someone falsely yells "fire".
||1913: The Italian Hall disaster in Calumet, Michigan results in the deaths of 73 Christmas party participants (including 59 children) when someone falsely yells "fire".

||1914 World War I: The "Christmas truce" begins.
||1914: World War I: The "Christmas truce" begins.
||1916: Charles Frederick Mosteller born ... one of the most eminent statisticians of the 20th century.  Pic: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=x-raw-image%3A%2F%2F%2F9fff90814bdb2b37665bf85fb0409670db7ed01cb0366833d3d6e03f59f90c07&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nasonline.org%2Fpublications%2Fbiographical-memoirs%2Fmemoir-pdfs%2Fmosteller-frederick.pdf&docid=zX_zisTRZzGcFM&tbnid=NyvbS4GQ_5-TbM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiQlY6whobdAhUM2IMKHQAgBWwQMwg7KAEwAQ..i&w=557&h=646&bih=588&biw=1175&q=Frederick%20Mosteller&ved=0ahUKEwiQlY6whobdAhUM2IMKHQAgBWwQMwg7KAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8

File:Ivan Logginovitch Goremykin.jpg|link=Ivan Goremykin (nonfiction)|1917: Politician [[Ivan Goremykin (nonfiction)|Ivan Goremykin]] dies. He is remembered for his [[Extreme Moustaches]].
File:Ivan Logginovitch Goremykin.jpg|link=Ivan Goremykin (nonfiction)|1917: Politician [[Ivan Goremykin (nonfiction)|Ivan Goremykin]] dies. He is remembered for his [[Extreme Moustaches]].

||Gunnar Nordström (d. 24 December 1923) was a Finnish theoretical physicist best remembered for his theory of gravitation, which was an early competitor of general relativity. Nordström is often designated by modern writers as The Einstein of Finland due to his novel work in similar fields with similar methods to Einstein. Pic.
||1923: Gunnar Nordström dies ... theoretical physicist best remembered for his theory of gravitation, which was an early competitor of general relativity. Nordström is often designated by modern writers as The Einstein of Finland due to his novel work in similar fields with similar methods to Einstein. Pic.

||Fernand Holweck (d. 24 December 1941) was a French physicist who made important contributions in the fields of vacuum technology, electromagnetic radiation and gravitation. He is also remembered for his personal sacrifice in the cause of the French Resistance and his aid to Allied airmen in World War II. Pic.
||1941: Fernand Holweck dies ... physicist who made important contributions in the fields of vacuum technology, electromagnetic radiation and gravitation. He is also remembered for his personal sacrifice in the cause of the French Resistance and his aid to Allied airmen in World War II. Pic.

||1945 – Five of nine children become missing after their home in Fayetteville, West Virginia, is burned down.
||1945 – Five of nine children become missing after their home in Fayetteville, West Virginia, is burned down.

Revision as of 08:57, 24 August 2018