Toffoli gate (nonfiction)

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Circuit representation of Toffoli gate of Toffoli gate

The Toffoli gate (also CCNOT gate), invented by Tommaso Toffoli, is a universal reversible logic gate.

Any reversible circuit can be constructed from Toffoli gates.

It is also known as the "controlled-controlled-not" gate, which describes its action.

It has 3-bit inputs and outputs; if the first two bits are set, it inverts the third bit, otherwise all bits stay the same.

In the News

Fiction cross-reference

Nonfiction cross-reference

  • Fredkin gate (nonfiction) - a computational circuit suitable for reversible computing, invented by Edward Fredkin. It is universal, which means that any logical or arithmetic operation can be constructed entirely of Fredkin gates. The Fredkin gate is a circuit or device with three inputs and three outputs that transmits the first bit unchanged and swaps the last two bits if, and only if, the first bit is 1.
  • Logic gate (nonfiction)

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