Rafael Volante

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Rafael Volante.

Rafael Volante (? - ?) is an auto mechanic and owner of Volante Auto Repair.


For a period of time in his life he possessed a Green Lantern power ring

Volante only used the ring in his work as a mechanic, repairing vehicles at his modest shop in South Minneapolis, and occasionally going on road trips to aid stranded motorists.

He is known for his socialist values and sliding-scale rates, once famously charging Bill Gates seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars to fix a flat tire on a jet helicopter in-flight

Volante resisted pressure from the Green Lantern Corps to use the ring for galactic crime-fighting purposes, telling Hal Jordan that "Justice, like Charity, begins at home."

Volante bears a striking resemblance to the artist Spain Rodriguez (nonfiction).

Allegations of Fae-enhanced Power Ring

Rumors that Volante keeps a captive Fae in his Power Lantern, in order to enhance his powers and prestige, as well as to satisfy a hunger for power and a thirst for Absinthe, have circulated widely on the Internet.

These rumors appear to have originated in a Facebook comment by software developer and known fabulist Karl Jones:

What if a Fae, drawn by the alluring emerald glow of a Green Lantern Lantern, entered the Lantern to explore further and so became trapped?

If I were a Green Lantern, would I want to fight crime using a Fae-enhanced Power Ring? Yes! Yes I would — ! Very much so!

Also, I would drink Absinthe as I fought crime with my Fae-enhanced Power Ring.

And yes, I would share the Absinthe with the Fae.

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