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Black-figure hydria (nonfiction) showing Gnotilus fighting Heracles.

Gnotilus is a supervillain based on the nautilus, who uses the Forbidden ratio to fight the golden ratio.

Geometry solvent

Gnotilus is capable of excreting various geometry solvents, which he uses to wage war on the golden ratio.

Curtain Theatre geometry

Curtain Theatre circa 1600 (cylindrical building in the background). Some authorities believe this to be a depiction of The Theatre, the other Elizabethan theatre in Shoreditch.

Gnotilus was reported to display rage upon learning said to be enraged upon learning that the Curtain Theatre (nonfiction) was square, not round.

Parthenon bombardment

On 26 September 1687, the Parthenon was severely damaged by an explosion during a war between the Venice and the Ottoman Empire.

Gnotilus is notorious for his hatred of the Parthenon, and there is general consensus among historians that he manipulated the Venetians and Ottomans.

The popular image of Gnotilus personally setting fire to the explosives is dismissed by most scholars as "typical Gnotilus vainglory".

Gold Ruster

Gnotilus and the villain Gold Ruster are mortal enemies, and have fought on many occasions.

Nonetheless, during occasional peace treaties, they have joined forces as a crime team (nonfiction).

Favorite books


Gnotilus is obsessed with Endemica, using it as a reference manual for planning crimes against geometry.

The Unruly Submarine

Gnotilus grew up with The Unruly Submarine, and still enjoys reading it from time to time.

Acropolis (nonfiction) grudge

Gnotilus has a long-standing grudge against the Acropolis.


Gnotilus is the founder and first citizen of the independent kingdom of Abalonia.

Treaty with The Boxes

Gnotilus has a treaty with The Boxes, the details of which are secret.

The treaty is thought (by whom?) to involve the Forbidden ratio.

The Bathysquare

Gnotilus has posted a bounty for the Bathysquare, dead or alive.

Geometrical frustration

Gnotilus is keenly aware of the phenomenon of Geometrical frustration.

Spin glass

Gnotilus has a great and terrible avarice for gems and jewels made of spin glass

Spin ice

Gnotilus is known for slipping and falling on spin ice in a public and comical manner.

Gelatinous cube

Gnotilus often uses Gelatinous cubes as cheap, disposable soldiers.

This has unpleasant side-effects, including nausea and vomiting, because Gnotilus has a deep psychological aversion to all things cubical.

Fiction cross-reference

Nonfiction cross-reference