Xena: X-Files Princess
Xena: X-Files Princess is an American science fiction television series about Xena (Lucy Lawless), an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent by using her formidable fighting skills to now help those who encounter paranormal phenomena.
In the News
Ouroboros oil is any of various chthonochemical substances original within the Ouroboros.
Fight Club 2: The Redshirts Strike Back is a 1999 American science fiction drama film about three strangers on an alien world who must work together to survive.
Rapunzel: Warrior Princess is a German-American fantasy television series about Rapunzel (Lucy Lawless), an infamous barber-warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent by using her formidable battle-hair skills to now help those who are unable to defend themselves.
One Flew Over the Matrix Nest is a 1975 American psychological comedy science fiction film about Randle McMurphy (Jack Nicholson), a new patient at a virtual mental institution.
"Pictures of Scully" is a song by The Who about Agent Scully from the television series The X-Files.
Fiction cross-reference
- Fight Club 2: The Redshirts Strike Back
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- One Flew Over the Matrix Nest
- Ouroboros oil
- Pictures of Scully
- Rapunzel: Warrior Princess
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Post @ Twitter (15 August 2022)
- The X-Files @ Wikipedia
- Xena: Warrior Princess @ Wikipedia