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'''''Fiction''''' is an ongoing work of [[fiction (nonfiction)|fiction]] and [[nonfiction (nonfiction)|nonfiction]] by [[Karl Jones (nonfiction)|Karl Jones]].
{{Daily Image/{{#time:F j|now -4 hours}}}}                                             
'''''The Gnomon Chronicles''''' is a work of fiction and nonfiction by [[Karl Jones (nonfiction)]]. Fresh content daily.<br>   
[[{{#time:F j|now -4 hours}}]]<br>   
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== Better Than News ==   
{{Better Than News/{{#time:F j|now -4 hours}}}}

== In the News ==
== Beyond Plausible ==

<gallery mode="traditional">
{{Beyond Plausible/{{#time:F j|now -4 hours}}}}
File:Queen Anne's War and Paddington Bear.png|link=Queen Anne's War (nonfiction)|[[Queen Anne's War (nonfiction)|Queen Anne's War]] is over, Paddington Bear negotiates peace treaty.
File:Exponential-growth-diagram.svg|link=Crimes against mathematical constants|[[Crimes against mathematical constants]] on the rise, according to [[Mathematical diagram (nonfiction)|mathematical diagram]].
File:Vostok1 descent module.jpg|link=Spacecraft (nonfiction)|Retired [[Spacecraft (nonfiction)|Vostok 1 descent module]] calls for moment of silence to honor [[Rosetta spacecraft (nonfiction)|Rosetta]]'s courageous self-sacrifice.
File:Rosetta's_last_image.jpg|link=Rosetta spacecraft (nonfiction)|"I regret nothing" says [[Rosetta spacecraft (nonfiction)|Rosetta spacecraft]], before impacting Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
File:Dick_Turpin_of_Mars.jpg|link=Dick Turpin of Mars|Highwayman [[Dick Turpin of Mars]] takes parting shot at [[Dennis Paulson of Mars]], makes another daring escape.
File:Dennis Paulson of Mars closeup.jpg|link=Dennis Paulson of Mars|[[Dennis Paulson of Mars]], new [[Reality television (nonfiction)|reality TV]] show, gets rave reviews.
File:Mandelbrot-AI-interview.jpg|link=Benoit Mandelbrot|Artist-Engineers prepare an interface to the famed artificial intelligence [[Benoit Mandelbrot]].
File:Thugs strangling traveller.jpg|link=Criminal (nonfiction)|[[Demon (nonfiction)|Demon]]-hunters [[Predation (nonfiction)|capture their prey]]. One hunter grips the Demon's feet, another its hands, while the third weaves a sacred ligature around the Demon's neck.
File:Brer_Rabbit_and_Tar_Baby_9000.jpg|link=Tar-Baby 9000|[[Tar-Baby 9000]] infects Brer Rabbit with the [[Snake Lemma]] (1895).
File:Green-Ring Dick-Cavett-Show 1969.jpg|link=Green Ring|[[Green Ring]] interviewed by [[Dick Cavett (nonfiction)|Dick Cavett]].
File:Bioautography of a Chlorophyll Molecule.jpg|link=Bioautography of a Chlorophyll Molecule|Publication of ''[[Bioautography of a Chlorophyll Molecule]]'' generates new interest in [[Organic golem|organic golems]].
File:A Narrow Escape.jpg|link=Narrow escape problem (nonfiction)|American Civil War officer demonstrates [[Narrow escape problem (nonfiction)|Narrow escape problem]].
File:Cantor set (four iterations).png|link=The Sigil (crime fighter)|Crime-fighter [[The Sigil (crime fighter)|The Sigil]] vows to teach [[Crimes against mathematical constants|math criminals]] a [[Set theory (nonfiction)|Set theory]] lesson they will never forget.
File:Brownian ratchet.png|link=Brownian ratchet (nonfiction)|[[Brownian ratchet (nonfiction)|Brownian ratchet]] may be cover story for [[Brownian racket]], according to [[John Brunner]].
File:Anarchimedes.jpg|link=Anarchimedes|Supervillain [[Anarchimedes]] generates earthquakes in the [[Waif (physics)|two to four kilo-waif]] range.
File:Maxwell's_demon.svg|link=Maxwell's demon (nonfiction)|[[Maxwell's demon (nonfiction)|Maxwell's demon]] not so bad once you get to know [[Mathematics|the math]], says [[Léon Brillouin (nonfiction)|Brillouin]].
File:Claude Shannon.jpg|link=Claude Shannon (nonfiction)|[[Claude Shannon (nonfiction)|Claude Shannon]] has that "[[Information theory (nonfiction)|information theory]]" gleam in his eye.
File:Hilbert_curve.gif|link=Hilbert Curve (nonfiction)|Traditional [[Hilbert curve (nonfiction)|Hilbert curve]] powerless against [[Demon (nonfiction)|demons]], says Writer-Sorceror [[Roger Zelazny]].
File:Neptune_Slaughter_menaces_Project_Iceworm.jpg|link=Project Iceworm (nonfiction)|Supervillain [[Neptune Slaughter]] manifests as gigantic ice worm, menaces [[Project Iceworm (nonfiction)|Project Iceworm]].
Morton's_ether_inhaler.jpg|link=Anesthesia|Morton's ether inhaler on exhibit; supervillain [[Anesthesia]] said to be planning heist.
File:Hello, world in C.svg|link="Hello World!" program (nonfiction)|[["Hello World!" program (nonfiction)|"Hello World" computer program]] from 1974 proud to represent Hello World programs everywhere.
File:Ecliptic path.jpg|link=Zodiac Healer|The [[Zodiac Healer]] travels along the ecliptic, exactly as [[Guo Shoujing (nonfiction)]] predicted.
File:Hollerith_Punched_Card.jpg|link=Hollerith card (nonfiction)|[[Hollerith card (nonfiction)|Hollerith punched card]] contains two tickets to premier showing of documentary film ''[[Unexpectedly Hanging Chad]]''.
File:Guo_Shoujing_studies_the_Pleiades.jpg|[[Guo Shoujing (nonfiction)|Guo Shoujing]] studies the Pleiades, discovers new form of [[Gnomon algorithm]].
File:Paper_tape_relay_operation.jpg|link=Unexpectedly Hanging Chad|Documentary film ''[[Unexpectedly Hanging Chad]]'' is surprise hit at electoral policy conference.
File:Neptune_Slaughter.jpg|link=Neptune Slaughter|Supervillain [[Neptune Slaughter]] manifests as gigantic ice worm, drinks up several million gallons of arctic seawater.
File:Green_Spiral_9.jpg|link=Green Spiral 9 (nonfiction)|''[[Green Spiral 9 (nonfiction)|Green Spiral 9]]'' now online.
File:Poicephalus senegalus egg tooth.jpg|link=Egg tooth (nonfiction)|Baby bird with [[egg tooth (nonfiction)|egg tooth]] is adorable and menacing at the same time.
File:Cleopatra-dies-of-asp-bite-and-IBM-PC.png|link=Death of Cleopatra|[[Death of Cleopatra|Cleopatra dies]] of asp bite and IBM-PC.
File:The Eel receives news from informants.jpg|link=The Eel's henchmen|[[The Eel]] receives news from informants. Note the golden serpent ring which The Eel uses to [[The Eel's henchmen|hypnotize and recruit henchmen]].
File:Red Eyes.jpg|link=Red Eyes|[[Red Eyes]] and [[Computational Human Phantom]] may form crime-fighting team.
File:Joseph_Schillinger_and_the_Rhythmicon.jpg|link=Drum machine (nonfiction)|Music educator Joseph Schillinger assures Rhythmicon that it will grow up to be a full-fledged [[drum machine (nonfiction)]].
File:Bread_mold_flavor,_best_flavor,_crazy_talk.png|link=Bread mold flavor (nonfiction)|[[Venn diagram (nonfiction)]] shows [[Bread mold flavor (nonfiction)|intersection of "Bread mold flavor", "Best flavor", and "Crazy talk"]].
File:Radon Lake.jpg|link=Radon Lake|[[Radon Lake]] contained within high-energy plasma bubble.
File:Alistair Treadgold 1916.jpg|link=Alistair Treadgold|[[Alistair Treadgold]]'s research into electrolysis influenced a generation of [[Musical electroplating ensemble (nonfiction)|musical electroplating ensembles]], including [[Chrome Plover]].
File:The Joker circa 1940.jpg|link=Physicist (nonfiction)|[[The Joker (nonfiction)|The Joker]] imprisons, tortures famed [[Physicist (nonfiction)|physicist]] Galileo Galilei.  Church authorities say they are "powerless to intervene".
File:Cryptographic numen modelled as nano-wire.jpg|link=Cryptographic numen|[[Cryptographic numen]] modeled in nanowire, generates micro-epiphanies.
File:Bacon's_Drama_Dial.jpg|link=Shakespeare-Magellan Expedition|Bacon's Drama Dial is key to [[Shakespeare-Magellan Expedition]], according to new cryptographic analysis.
File:Jason Nelson.jpg|link=Jason Nelson (nonfiction)|[[Jason Nelson (nonfiction)]] does not know [[This is how you will die (nonfiction)|how you will die (nonfiction)]], so please stop asking.
File:Mud_pot.jpg|Mud pot in northern California runs dry, may relocate to [[Devil's Mud Pie]] area.
File:Draw Doug genetic algorithm.jpg|link=Genetic algorithm (nonfiction)|"How to Draw Doug" cartoon by Ruben Bolling explains [[Genetic algorithm (nonfiction)|genetic algorithms (nonfiction)]].
File:Electric S'mores in Brasília.jpg|link=Electric S'mores|[[Electric S'mores]] now open in Brasília!
File:Hazmatterhorn.jpg|link=Hazmatterhorn|Matterhorn encapsulated in gigantic glass vial, converted to copper sulfate pentahydrate crystals. See [[Hazmatterhorn]].
File:Fugitive Rubies and hand x-ray.jpg|link=Evil bit release|This photograph, if genuine, may show the moment following the [[Evil bit release|release of an evil bit]] by supervillain [[Fugitive Rubies]].
File:The Eel.jpg|link=The Eel|[[The Eel]], freshly incarcerated in the [[Nacreum]], remains defiant: "No prison can hold me!"
File:Wild Man in Hydrogen Bubble Chamber.jpg|link=Time travel (nonfiction)|Inventor of [[Time travel (nonfiction)|time travel]] travels to distant past, [[Wild man (nonfiction)|goes insane, becomes own ancestor]] -- not necessarily in that order.
File:Niente da Fare Antonio Rotta.jpg|link=Scarpomancy (nonfiction)|Cobbler admits inability to divine [[Scarpomancy (nonfiction)|future of old boots]].
File:Mispent Youth.jpg|link=Mispent Youth|Taste sensation: [[Methylphenidate (nonfiction)|Methylphenidate]] + [[Extract of Radium]] = [[Mispent Youth]]. Shown here with vodka and olives.
File:Alberta sulfur pyramids.jpg|link=Alberta sulphur pyramids (nonfiction)|Delicious aroma of [[Alberta sulphur pyramids (nonfiction)|sulfur pyramids]] attracts [[Comer's Midden Monster|Comer's Midden Monsters]] to Alberta.
File:First computer bug.jpg|link=Software defect (nonfiction)|[[Software defect (nonfiction)|Computer bug]] demands rematch. "That relay sucker-punched me!" says moth.
File:Electric S'mores.jpg|link=Electric S'mores|[[Electric S'mores]] open for business.
File:Dalton Trumbo prison 1950.jpg|link=Dalton Trumbo (nonfiction)|[[Dalton Trumbo (nonfiction)|Dalton Trumbo]] refuses to betray friends and principles, enjoys state-sponsored meals for nearly a year.
File:Dark Side of the Moon.png|link=Physicist (nonfiction)|''Dark Side of the Moon'' "kept my spirits up during the ordeal", [[Physicist (nonfiction)|Galileo]] heard to mutter while leaving the courtroom.
File:Galileo_E_pur_si_muove.jpg|link=Physicist (nonfiction)|[[Physicist (nonfiction)|Galileo]], imprisoned on trumped-up charges, uses nail to scratch the equation ''E pur si muove'' on dungeon wall, cuts his way to freedom.
File:Umbrella Man.jpg|link=Umbrella Man (nonfiction)|[[Umbrella Man (nonfiction)|Umbrella Man witnesses]] rubbed with [[Clandestiphrine]], 73% die of stack overflow allergy. Witness Protection Program implements software patch to prevent recurrence.
File:Electric_Kool-Aid_Acid_Test_cover.jpg|link=The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test|Early techno-thriller fails [[Turing test (nonfiction)|Turing test]], author invents [[High-energy literature]] techniques to improve readability.
File:800px-Nebra_Schwerter.jpg|link=Weapon (nonfiction)|Army research laboratories [[Weapon (nonfiction)|convert modern plowshares into ancient swords]].  Military contractors call technique "Astonishing breakthrough."
File:Companion of Asclepius Myrmidon.jpg|link=Asclepius Myrmidon|[[Asclepius Myrmidon]] provides emergency medical services after [[Pi disaster]].
File:Mandelbrot set command line depiction.png|link=Mandelbrot set (nonfiction)|Line printer [[Mandelbrot set (nonfiction)|Mandelbrot set]] yearns for color, launches Kickstarter campaign to fund upgrade.
File:Dick_Turpin_of_Mars.jpg|link=Hopalong Cassidy (nonfiction)|Highwayman Dick Turpin of Mars takes parting shot at [[Hopalong Cassidy (nonfiction)|Hopalong Cassidy]].
File:Papillon_book_cover.jpg|link=Papillon (nonfiction)|Re-emitted red light suggests that [[Fugitive Rubies]] is secretly manipulating ''[[Papillon (nonfiction)|Papillon]]'', say [[High-energy literature|High-energy literature theorists]].
Fugitive_Rubies_interrogation_800x600.jpg|link=Fugitive Rubies|Captured supervillain [[Fugitive Rubies]] involuntarily luminesces under green laser interrogation, re-emits red light.
File:Bourbaki_virages_dangereux_fruiting_body.jpg|link=Outsider mathematics|Fruiting body of ''Bourbaki virages dangereux'' nominated as symbol of [[Outsider mathematics|outsider mathematics]].
File:Tunguska-Preservation-TV.jpg|link=Tunguska Event Preservation Society|Join [[Tunguska Event Preservation Society]], receive interactive 1927 expedition.
File:Brainiac head.png|link=Brainiac skull diodes (nonfiction)|Second-hand [[Brainiac skull diodes (nonfiction)|Brainiac skull diodes]] used for cut-rate [[Medulla oblongata (nonfiction)|Medulla oblongata]] upgrade.
File:Rule 90 trees.svg|link=Cellular automaton (nonfiction)|Latest version of [[Bernoulli family (nonfiction)|Bernoulli family tree]] powered by [[Cellular automaton (nonfiction)|cellular automata]].
File:Wizard Jan Kochanowski.jpg|link=Jan_Kochanowski|Poet and wizard [[Jan Kochanowski]] adapts [[Nebra sky disk (nonfiction)]] for use as [[scrying engine]].
File:Luminous dial of Soviet aircraft chronometer.jpg|link=Chronometer (nonfiction)|Luminous dial of Soviet aircraft [[Chronometer (nonfiction)|chronometer]] proud to represent all [[Chronometer (nonfiction)|chronometers]].
File:Orgasmatron from Sleeper.png|link=Artificial hedonism (nonfiction)|Tiny [[Spacecraft (nonfiction)|spacecraft]] with [[Artificial hedonism (nonfiction)|alien "Happy Ending" software]] converts human sweat into [[Extract of Radium]].
File:Red-Limned Sea Quetzalcoatl.jpg|link=Sea Quetzalcoatl|Red-limned [[Sea Quetzalcoatl]] disguised as Tree of Life.
File:Confiserie orientale berlin lokum cream lemon, lokum.jpg|link=Crime team (nonfiction)|[[Forbidden Ratio]] and [[Gnotilus]] use [[Turkish delight]] as symbol of [[crime team]].
File:Angry Feller Karl Jones 600x800.jpg|link=Angry Feller (nonfiction)|''[[Angry Feller]]'' expresses anger.

More at [[In the News (old)]].
== In Other Words ==

See also:
{{In Other Words/{{#time:F j|now -4 hours}}}}

* [[Special:Random|Random page]]
== Are You Sure ... ==
* [[Special:Categories|Categories]]
* [[Special:AllPages|All pages]]
* [[Special:Search|Search]]

[[Category:Fiction (nonfiction)]]
{{Are You Sure/{{#time:F j|now -4 hours}}}}
== Selected Anniversaries ==
{{Selected anniversaries/{{#time:F j|now -4 hours}}}}
== Topic of the Day ==
{{Daily Favorites/{{#time:F j|now -4 hours}}}}
== Interview ==
'''INTERVIEW''': "[ Gnomon Chronicles: An Interview With The Man Who Makes Up Movies - Meet the satirist blurring the line between entertainment and reality…]" by Aaron Cowell for Tr!ll online magazine.
== Favorites ==

Latest revision as of 06:42, 27 September 2024

The Gnomon Chronicles is a work of fiction and nonfiction by Karl Jones (nonfiction). Fresh content daily.
September 27

Better Than News

Beyond Plausible

In Other Words

Are You Sure ...

... that mathematician and academic Hans Hahn was interested in philosophy, and was part of a discussion group concerning Ernst Mach's positivism with Otto Neurath and Phillip Frank prior to the First World War; and that in 1922, Hahd helped arrange Moritz Schlick's entry into the group, which led to the founding of the Vienna Circle, the group that was at the center of logical positivist thought in the 1920s; and that Hahn's most famous student was Kurt Gödel?

Selected Anniversaries

Topic of the Day

William Gibson


INTERVIEW: "Gnomon Chronicles: An Interview With The Man Who Makes Up Movies - Meet the satirist blurring the line between entertainment and reality…" by Aaron Cowell for Tr!ll online magazine.


Hamlet is a 1979 science fiction horror film written and directed by Ridley Scott and based on the play of the same name by William Shakespeare.

Adam and Eve in Candyland is a 1531 painting by Cranach the Elder.

Lend a Hand voted Picture of the Day by the citizens of New Minneapolis, Canada.

Spectrum is a 2015 action-physics film about the scientific organization Spectrum and its enigmatic leader Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Isaac Newton), who intends to overthrow the dominant paradigm. Co-starring Daniel Craig as Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

Euglena Junction is a reality television program about the life of Euglena, a genus of single-celled flagellate protists. It is loosely based on the television program Petticoat Junction, with different species of Euglena playing the roles of Kate Bradley, her three daughters Billie Jo, Bobbie Jo, and Betty Jo, and her uncle Joe Carson.

Spiral Rings 2.
Art is long, life is brave.